My brain is frazzled.

Apr 21, 2011 21:21

Today there was a flickering light at the front of the lecture room, and by half-way through the revision session my face was numb and I had the full-body tired that made it difficult to keep my pen in my hand. By the end of the first hour I had my head in my hands going 'oh, gods, light and sound (Yvette's voice had a weird reverb effect on somewhere between my ears and brain) but mostly light' and was pressing my eyes before not too long (though I'm not sure how that's supposed to help, really, it just sort of happens) and then one of the nattering undergrads behind me dropped his pen, and tapped me on the shoulder to get me to pick it up for him.

(Am I right in thinking that it's easily percieved that a person with their head in their hands and rocking can generally be guessed to be having some sensation issues and shouldn't be touched? Yeah?)

But, revision did occur, even if my brain did need to reset itself and I get the distinct feeling that I may have become 'the Shawn' for asking the lecturer if anything could be done about the flickering light. (It was a choice between flickering and dark, pretty much, so I had to put up with it.)

And then this evening there was walking, and that was good, though my brain is aching and would like fluid and for me to lie down. I will soon.

Broadly, today has been a productive day. I was awake! at about half eight, and feeling that I could do exercise as my Thing Before Real Breakfast, went to the gym and did 9 mins on the ergo (1650m) and five on the cycle machine, and then was tired and hungry, so walked back home to make breakfast. (I'm working up slowly - I'm currently very unfit. Last time it was 7mins on the ergo -> 1250m.) Scrambled egg on toast. Also, my graze box had appeared in the post, and so I had... berry... things... to nom on (dried apricots in the revision class - an aquired taste, but quite nice).

ill, my day, exercise, uni, work, healthy?, mentally ill

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