Jun 16, 2004 04:50
ical difficulty. How did that happen? Planes use this super fuel and airports are as expensive a thing as there is to make, but the economy of scale still wins out over these hurdles. So, I am touching down in about a week in SF.
If any of you are looking for directions and other stuff that's good to know... check reply...
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At 12:25 on June 10th, 2004, Spring Circle, sitting on the land at Dry Creek
Campground consensed to use Bear Camp Flat (near Likely, CA) for the 2004
The current weather at Bear Camp Flat is very cold and raining. Please,
anyone considering coming home at this time, be prepared, good shelter,
warm clothes and adequate foot wear.
If you're flying to the gathering, Reno, Nevada is your best bet.
From Reno Nevada, take Highway 395 North.
Continue North on Hwy 395 to Lassen County and the town of Madeline.
From Madeline, go east on Blue Lake road to Patterson-Sawmill road (Long
Valley road) follow signs to Patterson Meadow, continue eastward to
Homestead Meadow (parking area).
Welcome Home!!! There is also a suggestion to avoid county Rd 64, out of
Likely, which is loaded with logging trucks, and could be accident prone.
There are some cool links to maps and photos of the site at
RAP 107
Gathering Consciousness
Please protect this Beautiful Land.
Walk softly. Respect this land and every person. Harm no living thing.
Harmonize - Blend in - Cooperate. Use only down, dead wood. Cut no living
trees. Share community fireplaces and circles. Preserve the Meadows...camp
in the Woods. We are caretakers of this land.
Everyone sharing makes a strong Human Tribe!
Please Protect WATER Sources by staying OUT of DELICATE spring areas.
Use established trails and creek crossings. Remember, fish and wildlife use
these places too! Leash dogs. Avoid camping, peeing, washing above spring
areas. Keep ALL soap and food out of streams, springs or the creek! Camp and
bath at least 100 feet away from water sources -- use a clean bucket to haul
water for your bathing and living needs. To be certain of drinking water:
filter or boil (20 min)! Ask for safe water at kitchens.
Keep a CLEAN camp. Use the slit trenches or covered latrines - cover
your paper & waste with ashes or lime, wash hands. Break the fly/illness
connection: shit-fly-food-you! Dig no shitters near water areas or kitchens
-- always dig at least 300 feet from food and water sources in appropriate
Protect our Health!
Use your own cup, bowl & spoon! Wash them after eating and rinse in
bleach-water. Visit C.A.L.M./M.A.S.H. if you feel ill - especially if you
have a contagious disease - or are injured.
Camp Together - Establish neighborhoods. Watch your gear: Be
Responsible ~ "Tempt Not Lest Ye Be Lifted From."
EVERYONE IS FIRE WATCH! Community Fires only! ~ Each with 5 gallon
water bucket (filled) and shovel for Fire Protection. If you are the last to
leave a fire PUT IT OUT! If you find an untended fire, check if someone is
using it -- if no one responds, PUT IT OUT! If you don't have tools or water
to extinguish an abandoned fire, please notify the nearest kitchen or
Pets are discouraged but if you must bring them keep them fed, on a
leash and out of the kitchens, springs & fights. Clean up their poop. Love
Cleanup begins when you arrive. Bring in only what is necessary. There
is no janitor here...you are the cleanup crew. Bring trash bags! Separate
Garbage for
recycling -- cardboard, cans, plastic bottles, glass, compost, usable
give-away items, trash. Don't litter - Find collection point. Grey water and
Compost in pits only -- away from water areas (300 ft). Close pits before
they are overfull -- leave last 6 inches for rocks and dirt to cover waste.
You are the Gathering! Participate in Shanti Sena, the peace keepers
circles, and all activities, kitchen and cooperation circles, work crews,
workshops. Volunteer wherever needed: kitchens, welcome home, firewatch,
parking lot, shitter
digging, supply, front gate, etc. R-E-S-P-E-C-T your Sisters & Brothers
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