10 February. Accidental audio.

Feb 14, 2010 14:56

[sounds of blunted swords clashing, before there's a smack on flesh and a yelp]

You're dropping your elbow again. Keep it up--and don't step out so far on the second form--like this ...

[sort-of silence for a while, except for some harder-than-usual breathing, then:]

Got that?


Okay. We'll run straight through the entire series, this time. Ready?

[again, sword-sounds, and it goes on a bit longer this time. then there's a sharp, in-drawn breath and the clatter of something hitting the mats]

... Lance-san? Are you all right?

[clearing throat] I'm fine. That was a lot better--good work. I think we're through for today, though ... practice that series more, and we'll run through it again next time before we move on.

[footsteps and the sound of someone snatching up equipment; teh wild Lance is attempting to flee~]

(( OOC: Italics is Gakupo, NPCed with permission. ))

his d-comm's conspiring against him, yay ptsd, friend: gakupo, lance is stubborn

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