Interpretations are welcome-the best one wins a prize.

Jun 01, 2004 15:29

I had a fucked up dream last night:
There are these cattle cages filled with attractive looking men and women, then less attractive looking men and women, and finally some rather ugly people all covered with goo. Ben Kingsley (who for some reason or another commands an army [who wear blue jumpsuits] and is dressed like a Sheik) explains that this last group is his least favorite, and that they are covered with tar. He (or maybe his troops) order the tar covered people to stand on this giant metal triangle, the perimeter of which suddenly becomes white hot. I now notice that these people have giant meat hooks in them which are connected to metal wires which the various soldiers are holding on to. Ben Kingsley lights and throws a torch at one of the tar covered people, who lights up, runs into another tar covered person, who lights up and does the same. Whenever a person tries to roll on the floor to put themselves out, the guys with ropes/chains connected to hooks pull and keep the poor burning bastard on his feet. If a person tries to stand perfectly and quietly burn to death the army folks drag them into another person-so basically everyone’s burning. This goes on for a really long time until Ben Kingsley says he’s done and all the fires are suddenly put out-most of the people are dead, but some of them are just horribly burned. Then there’s this lady walking to an airplane carrying a turtle, she has little hooks hanging out of her. She sets the turtle down. On its shell there’s a painted picture of an island and big letters which read, “Good Luck Japan!” Then the dream ends. What the fuck? I have not yet decided on the prize, but it will be awesome!
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