People are Pigs

Nov 22, 2006 10:06

It's the week of Thanksgiving and everthing that could go wrong at work, did. Our cardboard bailer broke for the second time this week and the freight has been out of control. And the customers have been getting increasingly weird, though when I thought I'd seen it all at work, something topped everything else.

I have been bouncing back and forth between HBA and Toys... not a big deal. I was in HBA tonight, on the toothpaste isle when I happened to look up and watched a guy and two girls walk past with their shopping card. The guy was eating an orange crush cake that he'd taken from the display upfront. I thought it was funny but I turned and looked at a co-worker saying, "I hope he plans on paying for that." and went back to work.

About ten minutes later, I see the same group walk back past my isle... the cake was nowhere to be seen. Shortly after, Robert shows up and we find the half eaten cake in pets, along with other wrappers and missing food. The group was even walking around with sodas in their pockets as well as other stuff.

I was so angry. What the hell kind of person does that? Someone who's disrecpectful and just doesn't care. Either that or drunk and stupid... but I'm betting the first option.

Speaking of disrespectful, I got called a fucking bitch the other day by a customer. Just because I told some punk kids to stop playing in the toy department... when the kid called me a few choice words, a co-worker of mine, jumped on him for saying that infront of a mother and her two young children... the mother approved and the assholes ran out of the store... only to return and get kicked out again. :D

Christmas is only going to get worse before it gets better... at least I can take comfort in the fact I'm not working on Thanksgiving and I'm going to completly miss Black Friday. I can't wait... thank you Tina Corbet for making my days off Wed and Thrus. :D

assholes, people are pigs, work

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