Sep 01, 2010 23:22
Dear Customers of DirecTV,
Please do not yell at me for your own stupidity. If you ask us for something, say that you want your own old box installed rather than paying for an upgrade, which you were too much of a cheapskate to do in the first place, do not get pissy when we inform you that you have to have a newer box and that you have to pay for it. We only gave you what you asked for, you cheapskate.
Do not call me up, screaming, because you are too stupid to get on a land line phone and troubleshoot when we ask you do. Do not scream at me when you refuse to troubleshoot and we inform you that the service call will be $49.95. I am sorry that the protection plan doesn't apply to you because you don't pay your bill on time, but yelling at me will not get it fixed any faster.
Please stop confusing the reps in Direct Sales. They have a hard time with you and when you change your mind at the last minute and then make them scrap your order, don't call us to 'change your work order' when it should be the clueless tech who's doing your install call in and make the changes.
Do not argue with me when I decide to give you $10 on your bill and reverse a fee. I am giving you a credit, the least you could do was hear me out as to how it got on the account.
If you need help, and you are frustrated, please keep it to yourself. Don't apologize to me for your frustration and then continue to take it out on me. It takes all I have to not tear into you for treating me like garbage. I am a person, not a thing. I am human, just like you. If you fail to give me respect, I will make sure that you get nothing but the minimum out of me.
Thank you for your time.
No Love,