I can't believe it. I apped Saru from Saru Lock over at
thewake_rp. I don't think he'll ever forgive me.
Character Information
Character Name: Sarumaru Yataro
Fandom: Saru Lock or Monkey Lock
Manga here. Also! Please note that the manga is not work safe. Lots of fanservice, I'm just sayin'. And the Drama from the
dramawiki. Also let it be noted that I will be following the TV Series for the most part.
Character History: Sarumaru was born and raised in a small neighborhood in Shibuya. He was the son of a locksmith and an only child, he lived above the shop his family owned with his parents. His mother helped out in the shop, while his father went out and performed the services that various people required. Locked out of your house? No problem, it would be opened in no time! Keys in your car? Easy! There was just one problem. Saru's father loved the ladies a little too much.
It drove his Mother crazy and Saru couldn't understand why there was so much fighting involved in his life, let alone when he went anywhere with his father, it was almost as if he was an execuse to look for ladies. There were several occasions that he remembered catching his father looking at a skinmag and ignoring the boy when he wanted to play with him, another time he was being ignored in favor of his father watching the ladies side of the bath at a public bath house. He'd tried to get his father's attention, but to no avail. All these things built up between his parents and finally it exploded when his father declared that he was going out to buy cigarettes.
He never came back.
Now, while Saru's father wasn't a stellar parent, he did leave his mark on his son. Not only did Saru have a talent for picking locks; he had his father's penchant for the ladies. But unlike his father, he treated them with respect. Yes, they were an object but his intentions, for the most part, were pure. He had a good heart and did things with no real ulterior motive.
By the time he was sixteen he was handling the locksmithing business part time and going to school the rest. His mother fell ill shortly after that and passed away, leaving him to run the shop by himself. His father was still missing, but Saru carried on. He finished highschool, just barely, and went to work in his neighborhood. Not only is he unlocking doors, he's unlocking hearts, taking on dangerous cases that would go unnoticed by the police and becoming a hero and getting all the ladies... in his own mind.
Character Personality: At seventeen, Sarumaru didn't expect to inherit the family business. He had to grow up fast, faster than most of his friends in his neighborhood as he was now the sole breadwinner in his family. Maturity for him comes in fits and starts, making him seem older than his years. If someone is in trouble, Saru will be there to help them. He's honest, hardworking and treats others fairly. He's great with kids and most of his neighbors know that they can depend on him when they need it, but around women he turns into a stuttering idiot. One could blame his over active hormones for that, as his one goal in life, at the moment, is to get laid before he's 20, thus causing him to get caught with his pants down, literally.
Despite his talent for picking locks, he's humble about it. He will not use his skills for thievery or personal gain. It was something his father instilled in his son before he disappeared. If he comes across one that he can't open, he gets frustrated, almost to the point of tears. He won't give up until the lock is open and he has accomplished what he's set out to do. When this happens he can be a little manic and obsessed until he completes the task in question.
Powers: None. Unless you consider a talent for lock picking a power.
First person:
I take too much joy in the fact I can care girls off from my cop friend, Yamamoto.
It's very easy to do, just wait til he's talking to a cute girl who, say for instance has lost her phone, and say, "You shouldn't give him your number, he'll call you later and keep calling until you give in."
Usually, I get yelled at and run off, while the person he was trying to help runs away from him... quickly.
I love tormenting friends I've grown up with~
Third Person:
It was cold in Shibuya, Christmas Eve, and Saru had just gotten a call from a customer. She had locked herself out of her apartment and with the snow that had been falling for a few days, it was urgent. She sounded cute on the phone and he very well couldn't leave a lady in distress, especially in these conditions. As he pulled on his helmet and started his scooter, he smiled to himself. Maybe she was all by herself and needed company... oh what luck! To be in distress on a night of couples!
The locksmith sped off into the night, his scarf wrapped around the lower half of his face and trailing behind him as he rode to a maiden's rescue. In his mind he could see how it would go. He would deftly open the lock and let the poor girl in out of the cold and she would thank him and he would say it was nothing at all and then she would invite him in for tea and they would bond and he would get lucky! He shrieked happily at the thought, to finally be free of... of...
Shit! I drove past it!
In his daydreaming, Saru had completely passed the building where the customer was waiting for him. He realized that he was at the corner of a one way street and would have to go around the block. More cursing and more than ten minutes later he stopped in front of the building where the customer, a beautiful girl who would surely repay his kindness with many fanciful things, was waiting on him. He was her hero, after all, and she was counting on skills to open her door.
Saru hopped off his scooter and put the helmet down, he grabbed his tool box and headed up the stairs, trying not to take them two at a time because he was excited. He reached the correct floor, pulled down his scarf from his face and smiled at his customer, "Hello, I'm from Sarumaru Locksmith. You've locked yourself out of your home?"
"Why yes, m'dear boy, I have." It was an older voice, and when Saru finally got a good luck at his customer, she was an older woman, probably in her fifties with a sweet smile and raven hair in a conservative cut. "I stepped out to buy dinner and when I came back I realized that I'd gone off and left my keys."
Internally, Saru shrieked and cursed his luck, outwardly, he smiled and nodded politely. "Well, I hope I didn't keep you waiting too long, I accidentally drove past the joint." He set his tool box down and inspected the lock so he knew what he'd be working with. "This seems simple enough, I'll have this open for you in no time at all!" And in no time at all, Saru had the door open. "Well there you are, ma'am."
"Oh! Thank you so much! I'm glad you took the time away from your girlfriend and family to come and help me out." She stated as she opened the door and looked back at him.
"It's all right... I... don't really have..." The locksmith looked embarrassed and the woman suddenly understood.
"Come in, I'll pay you and we'll share dinner. I have KFC and cake for later." She held up the bag and smiled.
Saru went inside and true to her word, he shared a meal with her and she did pay him. He left a few hours later and while it wasn't what he had envisioned, he had managed to be her hero, by spending his Christmas Eve with a woman who needed companionship. The truth be told, so did he. It wasn't like he wanted to spend his holiday with Yamataro and stacks of AV DVDs.
It wasn't all he did. Yeesh.
He put his tool box back on his scooter, donned his helmet and settled his scarf around his face. All in all, it had been a nice, if unconventional evening. Starting the scooter he headed back to his shop, singing a Christmas tune as he drove home.
Yeah. The research was interesting. Now I have to go make screen caps for more icons.