Hey~ I sound good!

Oct 18, 2008 03:24

Work's been interesting this last week. Looks like the drama I created by accident ended up helping me out. My QA scores have improved considerably and they let someone sit with me to listen to my calls and shadow on Tuesday. It makes me feel better than it has.

A neighboring coach commented to my coach about how good I sounded on the phone now. That did help my ego. ^_^

Let's see... other things include me getting called to the reception area and finding a County Sheriff standing there. I was served papers for small claims court involving charges from Urgent Care last year when I got that needle in my foot. I didn't want to go to court, so I called them and paid them to make it go away. Still, it's pretty embarrassing. I didn't think they'd serve me. >_<

That small crisis avoided, I found out a couple of weeks ago that a good friend of mine from my Cingular days was in training and coming to my team on the floor. I'm excited, I haven't seen Steve in FOREVER and he's improved a lot with his art. I can't wait. Hopefully, his creativity will put me back in the mood to draw. I also invited him out to the anime club meeting. Hopefully he got my email... :3

And... I can't wait to see pictures of his kids! I really have missed him. T_T

tulsa anime organization, friends, work

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