Where Was I?

Sep 11, 2006 10:44

The date is 9/11. I was working in a callcenter when it happened. The call center serviced the Philadelphia, New Jersey and Greater PA... it didn't service NYC yet. When it happened, the phones were dead for a month after all of the mess went down.

Two things that happened on that day that nearly made me lose faith in the human race:

1. A guy called in screaming and yelling because his phone wasn't working. The lines were jammed with calls and never mind the fact half the towers in the area were probably buried under rubble and everything else. He told the CSR that he didn't care if all those people died, he wanted his phone to work.

2. I took a call from a customer who threatened to blow us up. Now, I realize that the chance was slim to none but it shook me all the same. I got a manager and the guy that walked over to take the call, wouldn't take it. Told me to do whatever the guy wanted... after I got off the phone... I just lost it. Went home.

In a little over a month, I'll finally see Ground Zero. Morbid? Maybe. Though it's doubtful.

In other news... I managed to order a doll by mistake, which I got cleared up. They graciously canceled it for me and I did find out that they offer free shipping on orders over $500. That makes me happy... however, no dolls until after the first of the year.

Inventory is the day after tomorrow. I hope we do well.

I went and bought clothes... pants really... seeing as how my pants all have huge holes in them. Got a nice pair of jeans and a top as well as some other pants... and I realized that Kohls sells Dockers. That makes me happy to... as I love kahkis. I may go snatch up another pair of jeans if I can swing it. *crosses fingers*

And I also took pictures of a local kitty... on that I was debating on bringing into the house, but I think s/he has an owner...

And I know you can't see it real well, but the kitty has one blue eye and one yellow eye.

And... now I bring you a picture of my one and only girl...

I love my girl.

37 Days.

shopping, 9/11, kittykitty, dollfie, kohana, work

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