
Sep 09, 2006 08:28

Work's been fine, save for the little annoyances and some advetures with associates and managers that I'll cover in another post.

I did realize something though... that I'm ashamed for my clothing and I don't want to go to New York looking like I do. I'm weeks away from going and I can't find the cash to buy a few pairs of jeans. I'll just have to see. It's stupid, I know, but... oh what the hell, I'm being self concious... *sigh*

Second, well... this is kinda retarded... but I want to go to the diru concert with mel and julia... but there's no way they'd let me off to do it... and money... and... and...


Just whiney and a little bummed. I'll get over it. I think I'm just bummed cos I won't be there to see Mel get her tattoo... :3

Which I've been debating about too... but I don't want to go by myself. *wuss*

Well, enough of my self loathing... which it really wasn't... just a pity party and looking for love... haha...

Going to bed now, those that have my number, call me if you need me. *zips off*

lack of money, friends, vacation, work

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