Jigsaw Bonding

Dec 30, 2007 13:33

Something profound happened to one of my friends over Christmas. Yes, she's on my Friend list and I am not retelling this story to toot my own horn but to record the fact, that in a small way, helped start the chain of events that created her special moment.

I have an account with Shopping Mall Japan(if you don't use them, you should they're both faster and cheaper than Rinkya) and my friend found the Last Zigzo live DVD on a Japanese auction. We were talking about it and I offered to use my account to acquire it for her. We won the auction and I had it shipped to her... though she couldn't watch it until after Christmas... but that was enough, she had her DVD and was elated to get it.

But that's not what gives me the warm and fuzzies.

By helping her get this DVD it ultimately created a bond with her and her parents. One which I do understand because I don't get along so well with my father either. But it enabled them to sit down and watch the DVD together, as a family and it mean something to them.

Just, an action of my own, just by doing something nice for someone can create so much for them. One single gift... I know this is silly, but this is probably the best gift I could ever give someone.

I am moved.

And I'm happy that my giving nature has finally paid off in a way that I would never ever expect.

personal, friends

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