(no subject)

Nov 17, 2007 10:40

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Andi... you should watch this... if only for the fact he goes on about Walgreens... I just hope you don't have anything against Dane Cook.

As for the new Merii album? It's good. It's not like Peep Show or NuChemical Retoric... but it's good. Sweet Powder sounds much better without the video behind it. So my verdict is this, it's good and worth the money. If I were to rank the three major albums they have, as my favorites, it would be as follows: Peepshow, Nu Chemical Retoric and then M.E.R.R.Y.

What might help is to download it before you buy it. It's all over the music coms and I think I have a zip file somewhere. Just let me know.

I have a busy afternoon ahead of me. Anime club meeting, which I have to leave early from and then early Thanksgiving Dinner with my Mom and my Nana. It's always a blast to go out with them. Just for the fact we cut up... all the time. And we all usually end up with the giggles by the time it's done.

I will be around this evening, and if any of you need me before then, call for those of you that have my number. I think that's all I have to say for now... other than a proper Izumicon update... but that will have to wait until I have more time... and I actually start coloring an image again.

Also, more After Effect pictures on the way for thedailysheep. If you want to see them, you have to join. >D

tao, dane cook, merii, thanksgiving dinner

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