Well... It's not all EPIC FAIL

Oct 08, 2007 03:30

So, my weekend in review.

Earlier this week, my condo association finally got around to fixing my roof. They had checked it out and made the assesments they needed to and then handed out the work order to a drywall guy. I called him and he's going to come out Monday, between 10am and 12pm. Which isn't the best of times... as I have to be to work at 1pm. I'll be out of my 90 days Oct. 9th. I'd really like to avoid being put on a final warning for attendance because I'm in my 90 days. We'll just have to see and play it by ear. I might be able to squeeze it into half a day. Maybe. If I'm lucky. If I'm really lucky, I won't have to.

Also on the same lines as the condo, I decided to use my stove to cook. I haven't complained about it here, but most of you know that my stove is a piece of shit. If only for the fact that it's buzzer goes off at the worst and most random times. Like when you're trying to sleep. And as of late the only way you could get it to stop was to cut the electricity to the range. So anyway, I go to use my stove and it doesn't work. I go check my circuit breaker and sure enough, it's been turned off. It must've happened when they came to look at the house. Okay, no big deal. I turn the power back on and the buzzer's going off. So I start to mess with it.

The last time I messed with it, I nearly shocked the piss out of myself.

This time, I broke the knob off my timer completely.

Now I have to call someone to fix it. I hope I don't need a completely new range. *sigh*

Moving along... I've gotten deeper into my Anime Club. Which isn't always bad, as I got nominated for a position. I get to be the Membership person... well more on that as I get information.

We watched a bunch of stuff, saw some good previews... speaking of which, I need to go find the trailer for Molly Star Racer. It's a must have... yes a Must Have indeed.

Gotta still work on TNT's JRock room. I need to email James. They're not so worried about it as it's still a ways out.

Got the room for IZUMI CON. That'll be fun. First year Anime Con in Oklahoma City. Plus, I get to see 'Straya. So it'll work out in the end. Hopely!

And on my next project... if I can get it to work out... I'm going to make sculpy fox ears for one of my boys. Jung... which is his current working name... needs a new name... maybe. More thought, he needs his eyes fixed, a faceup and a body first.

tao, izumi con, dollfie, house, work

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