
Aug 01, 2007 08:27

I just found some scans of an article for Dir en grey in the jrock scans com... I'll discuss it and or post it later, but this quote about Kyo amused me far too much. It concerns his lyrics and stage performance...

Clearly, he's a man with his fair share of demons, and they come flooding out onstage, where he sometimes claws at his chest until it's dripping with blood.

Kerrang! Aug 07

Yeah, he's got demons all right. Kisaki pushing him down the stairs after the former bassist raped him... ... ...*snicker*...*LOL*

S'so not true... :3

I will say that this article's probably one of the best and that they've done their research, but that quote... amuses me to no end. And will only fuel bad fanfic... WOOHOO! More bad fic! GET READY!


dir en grey

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