My My, Gara, How Busy You've Been

Jul 05, 2007 19:27

So my Cream White Namu from Soom has been a very busy and photogenic little boy. Clyde and I took him with us when we went to see Dir en grey in Kansas last month and here are some of the adventures the boy had.

In true Gara fashion he let us know his displeasure.

Kash: Sorry Gara-kun, you can't come in with us, you'd be moshed to death.
Gara: ... >/

We did take him into Denny's after the show.

Kash: Do you know what you want Gara?
Gara: ... :3
Kash: Maybe?
Clyde: Not much of a talker is he?
Kash: No, no he's not.
Gara: ... X3

Kash: I think he's still choosing.
Gara: *glare*
Kash: Yeah, he's still choosing.

Gara: *whimper*
Kash: You took too long!
Gara: >_<

Kash: *sigh* Stop getting emo with the condiments.
Gara: *whine*

Gara: *brandishes knife!*
Kash: Stop that!
Gara: X3!
Kash: Menace!
Gara: T_T

Clyde took pity on him and decided to let him entertain himself with his bracelet from Fruits Basket.

Gara: *camwhores* :D

He's so lovable!

Then, he was feeling creepy and I was forced to take a picture with the currently souless Jung in his lap.


And a closeup of Jung's earring.

And thus concludes my photo post featuring Gara-kun. ^_^

gara, namu, photo story

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