New Projects and Belated Birthday Gifts

Mar 02, 2007 13:06

Real quick before I go to bed, there are some things I forgot to post about. ^_^;

First, I got my belated birthday gift from some good friends at work. To understand the injoke, there is a story you should be told. I was given the nick name 'Leperchan'. Simply for the fact that I ran over to pets one night, wearing this green striped cat in the hat style hat with two plastic katana and acted like I was going to attack my friends in the neighboring department... from then on, that was my nick name...

...the things you do while you work overnight at walmart to keep yourself entertained...

Pretty sweet, huh? The plushy plays "Luck o' the Irish".

And then, I've gotten back into dollfies... I finally ordered my Namu... who will be known as Gara... I have his eyes and a suit to get him started.. which looks really close to what he wore in his What's In photoshoot. Pictures will be taken... however... I'm testing out fur wigs... the first one I made was a bit too big, but it's still fairly amusing...

"Can I have my regular wig back now?"

I'll try to be more productive with my post later... ohshit... I HAVE to finish that layout. ;_;

PS! I'm trying to resurrect my doll community~! If you have a dollfie and you know me... and read this stuff... which is some of you... join it!


doll circle, tangled alliances, dollfie, birthday, work

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