What did I do to you?

Aug 10, 2006 03:59

Well, there is good news about the salery caps... I top out at $14 an hour not including my differental. So ultimatly, I'll make $15 an hour. That's okay... for now.

I was invited to go out, but I overslept... heck, I've done nothing but sleep most of the day. ^^;;

My bad...

I had a discussion this afternoon with a good friend... it didn't go well. So I feel kinda crappy but I wasn't the one attacking her. I dunno what I did. I wonder if she was looking for a fight... we both have a tendancy to do that... and that could've been the case.

Never mind the fact I'm an irrational fuckwit at times. So that didn't help. *sigh* I need to detach from that... gonna try... I have to or eventually I'll lose friends because I'm an idiot. Already did that once and it all blew up in my face. *hangs head*

I guess I need to learn from my past mistakes, hm?

Well, here goes nothing...

reflection, friends, work

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