Mar 22, 2006 15:18
i don't understand why people don't do what they are told. when i was a little kid i always did what my parents told me. maybe thats why i'm not good with little kids cause i just don't understand why you wouldn't do what someone tells you to do.
we listened to the tapes last night at dance... everyone knows to smile, stage presense is like the most important thing in dancing. do what you're told. i cannot comprehend why you wouldn't smile and have fun with the dance if you are told to. don't say you don't like it. don't dance if you don't want to. don't say your parents are making you because i'm sure they would love to save thousands of dollars and i'm pretty sure they do not live to cart your ass around the state to competitions. do what you're told. smile when you're supposed to. it's three minutes. just do it. don't touch your costume. don't be retarded.
also...everytime i see heather i feel like crying. i never know what to say to people when they have lost someone close. and that seems to be happening a lot lately. first marcia browne, then ruth, then the girl from reading in february, then my dad's aunt, then paddy joe, then amanda and scott on friday, and now today amanda's grandmother. i feel so sad. and i really don't know what to say to heather i'm so afraid i will say the wrong thing. everytime i read her profile i want to cry and i didn't even know amanda. i don't like this. i don't like growing up.