Jul 19, 2004 10:53
Hi. I have a boring life so I am going to make up stuff to make this entry more entry-licious. Man, entry-licious.
Okay so yesterday I ran into every single boyfriend and almost-boyfriend that I've ever had. They all gave me one single rose. Then I went and gave the roses to a homeless lady. Then I walked in Wal-Mart and saw Billy Corgan and then ran into Dave Grohl. I love those men. They both begged me to play bass in this side project they were trying to start up. So I agreed. Then I ended up staying up all night jamming with Billy because i like him. Then I went home and got a call from Justin Timberlake and I hung up on him because he is stinky and I don't like his jams. Then I fell asleep. Then I woke up and it was 1995. I was at a Pearl Jam concert. It was kinda cool because everyone was all grunge-i-fied. Then I woke up again and I was married to a guy that was serenading me on his guitar. Then I woke up again and it was 1993 and Leah and Jenny were babysitting us Meloys and Rich's and we were getting spankins. Then I was on stage playing in a band in front of thousands of people and then Jesus came back.
The end
Man what a story. That sounds more like a whacked out dream actually. But let's pretend that happened. Oh but if Jesus came back I wouldn't be here to write this. And you wouldn't be reading it. Oh well.