1. I get insomnia very badly, but when I do sleep it takes quite a bit to wake me up. I also talk in my sleep, apparently... and I guess I twitch.
2. I hate being around people. A lot. Even friends. Family's a bit different, of course. I'd really rather be alone than around other people, and when I'm around others I close down. As a result, I often come off as uptight.
3. I love being touched, actually. By people I'm close to, though. I'm a straight guy, but I have close male friends that I have no problem with sitting close to, or hugging, or even touching constantly. If a stranger touches me, though...I get really uncomfortable.
4. I cannot play any instrument, though I have a secret ambition to learn acustic guitar. Perfect for sitting around the campfire.
5. I hate most anything man-made, especially the sorts of things that have negative impacts on the environment. Cities especially. I loathe cities. Ironic, no?
6. I have a phobia about public transportation. Busses, airplanes, and trains freak me out. Mostly it's the being confined in a small tube surrounded by strangers with no escape. Being pressed in on all sides by humans makes the wolf nervous.
7. Sometimes I talk about the wolf as though it was a seperate being, but that's mostly for the sake of those I'm talking to so they know which part of me I mean. Really, the wolf is me, not a seperate thing at all. It doesn't talk to me like I say it does, because its thoughts are mine all the time.
8. Yes, I talk to trees. When no one can see me, I talk to them. I use real English words, and I ask them how they're doing. If I'm quiet inside myself, I can hear them talking back. They don't speak in words to me, but I can hear them singing. They tell me how the world is doing. Mostly how their little slice of earth is, but they also send me whispers about how the environment at large is doing.
9. I'm deathly allergic to shellfish. Shrimp is the very worst. If I even smell it I start having breathing troubles, but not so bad as to actually worry. It's the eating that'll be deadly.
10. My dad's family is heavily Catholic, and my mom's family is heavily Mormon. My parents decided to be Episcopalian, but didn't push it on me, for which I'm very grateful.
11. My parents were told they couldn't have kids, so when I was born on Christmas morning, I was forever their Christmas miricle.
12. I'm completely left-handed. Most lefties have some degree of ambidexterity, but not I. Most lefties are fine and dandy with using a computer mouse on the right side of the keyboard, but I can't do that. Have to buy special mice, too. The only thing I'm pretty good at with my right is driving a stick shift, because I really have no other option.
13. Between the ages of sixteen and twenty-four I was a strict vegetarian. Not quite to vegan standards, but the only animal products I'd eat were of the organic variety. Now the wolf part of me craves meat, so I've given in to the circle of life. I prefer free-range products, but I'm not terribly picky.
14. Before Chelsea, I'd only ever had one girlfriend in my life. But ask me to name the number of partners I've had and I won't be able to tell you. I lost count somewhere along the line.
15. I'm completely obsessed with M*A*S*H. When I can't sleep or need to unwind, Hawkeye always makes life better.
16. When I was in High School I was one of the top runners on the track team. I've kept with it, and I go running three times a week. More if I'm stressed. When things are overwhelming me, I run until I collapse. It feels awesome.
17. My biggest fear is losing control. I may be completely at peace with my bestial half, but I fear it. I don't believe I've ever told anyone, even Chelsea, but I fear one day I will lose control of this thing inside me and hurt the people I love. As a result, I keep the wolf buried under layers and layers upon layers of self-control.
18. I avoid dogs at all costs. Even the tiniest little yapper thing will attempt to rip my throat out if it can get close enough. It makes me sad, because I'd always wanted a dog growing up, but my mom's allergic.
19. When I'm angry or under stress, I go colorblind. That's the wolf telling me he wants to come out and play.
20. I haven't had short hair since I was fifteen. Sure, it's kinda girly, but I honestly like it long. Mostly it was a protest against my mother's family, who I don't get along with. It gets in the way sometimes, and Miss Molly likes to yank on it, but oh well.
21. I don't actually drink all that much, but when I'm out with friends I drink a decent amount to help me loosen up, because anyone who knows me knows I'm wound entirely too tight. When I'm angry I drink quite a bit, it's the Irish in me. Truth is, my metabolism's so high I get drunk quick, but it burns off really fast.
22. I love what I am, but I refuse to pass it on to anyone else, even if they ask. I have no way of knowing if Molly inherited it from me...just have to wait it out. I only hope that, if she does become a werewolf, she won't resent me forever.
23. I was a huge troublemaker as a child. I wasn't a bully, but I was a serious prankster. I grew out of it around the age of ten, thank goodness.
24. I have no tattoos. I've got two piercings in each ear, but that's it as far as body modification goes.
25. I never thought in a million years that I would have a wife and kid, when I was young I thought that lifestyle was too constricting for me, and wanted no part of it. But now, when I think back on my life before, I realize I would have become a miserable old man with no future. So, if the result of being married and responsible for a family gets me killed at a young age by the government, that's still a better life than dying a lonely old man in the mountains.