Vital stats

Feb 12, 2019 11:53

CharLoft character sheet

Family information


Height: 6'3"

Weight: 160lbs

Body type: Skinny as hell, long limbs and narrow torso. Stick legs, but strongly muscled from running.

Physical Weaknesses: Allergies to shellfish and silver, wound on his left side that never fully healed - is terribly tender

Senses: Eyesight is normal for a human, while smell and hearing is comparable to a wolf. He can pick out faint scents from a decent distance, upon contemplation of the input, he can determine what left the scent. He can also pick up quiet conversations from across the room, and normal voices from another room.

Strength - 5
A 5 can lift a 500-lb weight with no serious effort.

Dexterity - 2
A 2 is someone who is faster than average, either by natural inclination or training. Many martial artists would fall into this range, or people like professional gymnasts or dancers. Other twos might be, say, a professional magician, although it might be just their hands that were faster than normal. A two can catch a standard household object thrown inexpertly-- a cup, perhaps, tossed at your head. A two might also be able to dodge a weapon expertly thrown-- that is to say, a knife or club moving in the 80-100 mph range [130 ft/s; 40 m/s].

Sprint -
At a sprint, going all out, he can run up to 20mph for aproximately fifteen minutes before a complete collapse. After only eight to ten minutes, he still retains enough stamina to do other things, though not much. An average human can sprint at 15mph for five minutes or so. Top-form Olympic sprinters have reached speeds of 27mph, but for only a couple minutes.

Endurance run -
His average endurance speed is just over 10mph, and can hold out for two or three hours and walk away tired, but functioning. If needed, he can push himself to four hours (or more), but assuming he doesn't outright collapse, he wouldn't be very useful after.

An average human with medium amounts of training can run at about 6mph for an hour or so.

As of September, 2008, the top Marathon runner ran the 26-mile Marathon in 02:03:59, which averages to about 13mph, but for half the time that Marcus is capable of at the lowest edge of his limit.


Height: 37 inches at the shoulder

Length: 6'3" from nose to tail

Weight: 130lbs

Physical Weaknesses: Same as human form.

Senses: Completely normal for a wolf.

Strength - 2
Diverting from the description from the stat list, being a two means he's slightly stronger than a normal wolf, and not nearly as strong as his human self. He is smaller with thinner legs and no opposible thumbs.

Dexterity - 4
A 4 has what are referred to as "cat-like" reflexes, and not in the metaphorical sense. A 4 can dodge (again, the "ideal conditions" dodge) an arrow or a light crossbow bolt (an object moving at roughly 130-150 mph) [190 ft/s; 58 m/s].

Sprint -
Approximately 45mph during a chase, for perhaps half an hour.

Endurance run -
At a trot, he goes about 12mph, and can cover sixty miles in one night at this speed.


Applicable in both forms.

Bruising is hard to achieve unless the impact is considerably forceful, and they usually clear up within a day or so.

Mild paper cuts and scrapes heal within seconds.

Deeper cuts and puncture wounds heal in fifteen to thirty minutes.

Mundane burns take an hour or more, depending on the severity, up to a day for the worst of them.

Broken bones must be set properly and can take up to three days, depending on severity.

Severing of limbs and extremities is fixable if the removed part is reconnected immediately and left undisturbed to knit back together.

Non-silver bullets must be removed quickly so that the flesh does not heal around it, sometimes taking up to two days.

Injuries not caused by silver leave no scars or other permanent markings.

When silver touches the skin, it burns as though a hot iron. The skin smokes and sizzles, and the longer the silver remains, the more severe the burn.

When silver punctures the skin, it cauterizes the wound, which actually prevents large amounts of silver poisoning, however bleeding is still a concern.

A silver bullet, if left lodged in the body, will slowly burn its way out, which is very painful. The longer the bullet is left in, the greater the chance of silver poisoning.

When healing from silver, the wound takes two to three times as long to heal as the same wound would on a human who has no issues with silver.

Injuries inflicted by silver almost always leave a scar. Minor burns do not leave a scar, but major ones will.

Silver poisoning occurs when silver enters the blood stream in enough quantities to pose a strong health hazard. Unfortunately, only a very small amount is needed before health is threatened. Injected or ingested silver nitrates are the most common vehicles of silver poisoning. In small quantities, the wolf is ill for several days until the system flushes the poison. If the quantities are large, the werewolf's death is slow and painful as his body burns itself up. No antigen exists, but blood transfusions, if performed quickly enough, have been known to help.

The Change:

The change is quick, perhaps forty-five seconds from start to finish, but for the wolf, it is agonizing. To the outside observer, the change looks and sounds painful enough, but the pain experienced by the wolf is much greater than it appears.

The change is different for each. For Marcus, the first thing to go is his eyesight. An outside observer would not notice this difference, as his eye color does not change between human and wolf. For him, though, the world fades to shades of gray, the colorblindness of the beast. This is something that happens to him when the wolf is close, it's as sign that he needs to calm the fuck down, or else the wolf is going to come out on its own.

After the vision, it's the bones. They creak and grind against each other, creating sickening crunching sounds like gravel going through a meat-grinder. His muscles stretch and snap as his bones change shape under his skin, his joints turning backwards. To the imaginary outside observer, he still looks human enough, except his flesh is bubbling and rippling as his bones migrate from one place to another. Muscles and tendons bunch as the break under the strain, tearing loudly.

Occasionally, a bone may break free of its neighbors and break through the skin, sending hot, infectious blood spraying into the air. The bone would then slide back under the skin to rejoin its fellows and the skin would knit closed again.

Halfway between man and wolf shape, goosebumps form along every inch of his naked flesh. These bumps boil and pulsate as the fur underneath pushes against the surface. Starting at the head, the fur rushes out in a tide, silver and grey, to cover his entire body. For a moment he looks a good deal like the wolf men you would see in horror films, but his knees have turned backwards and his upper body is entirely too heavy, and he falls clumsily onto hands that are now more paw than fingers.

The muzzle, ears, and tail are the last, sprouting together as the final changes complete.

After the change, the wolf is often dazed as his brain finishes switching from human logic to animal instinct. His first act is usually either a howl or a shaking out of his new fur.

The change back is much the same, starting with muscles and bones shifting, and the hair receding back into his flesh toward the end. When he returns to human, he is quite exhausted, and often will crash and sleep for several hours.

He has himself trained to return to the place where he first shifted for the change back, because his clothes are often still there.


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