Jan 16, 2010 08:42
I still have a tape player. It's a boom box, it plays CDs, too, and it has a radio. But, unlike normal people in my age group, I still have cassette tapes to listen to. I own two Backstreet Boys albums (Millennium and their self-titled US debut), The Lion King soundtrack, and Savage Garden's Affirmation. (I have the box for Savage Garden's self-titled US album, but the tape snapped a couple years ago while I was listening to it - I'd had it since 1998.)
I'd forgotten until this morning that I have a copy of Millennium on tape - I was feeling sad because their two newest albums suck, and I wanted to listen to my favorite album by them, but I lost my CD version in a move, didn't even have a case for it.... So .. yeah. And then I remembered that I got the tape first, when the album was first released, because I didn't have a working CD player! (I have dozens of music tapes, actually. I'm all set if I ever decide I want to drive after all and the car is old enough for a tape player and not a CD player.)
I'm really excited. I just wish I could stick it in my computer and play it, because my tape player is upstairs in the kitchen, where I listen to NPR while I cook or do the dishes.