May 23, 2006 23:05
Or maybe it was just yesterday.
First my answering machine gets stuck in a loop. Thankfully turning it off for a while fixed it.
Next, I try to set my VCR to record ABC's Desperation (why they're trying, I don't know - it's one of the least suitable for TV of Stephen King's books), and it's the same time as House so the computer can't do it. I try to eject the tape that's been in there for months to see how much is left. The cassete ejects. With the little plastic lever that pulls the tape out tangled in the tape. So much for that.
And before, on my way home, my clutch pedal repeats its trick of sticking halfway down when I step off of it. Since the pedal only has any effect in its last inch of travel, it shouldn't matter, except that it confuses my foot, causing me to drive like an idiot. It goes back to normal if I pull up on it, so the first time I figured it snagged a floormat. Turns out it merely ran out of fluid, which should never happen. It's not clear where it all went, since nothing should work if it is leaking. Fortunately, I haven't gotten around to cleaning out my trunk, so there was a handy container of hydraulic fluid. Which makes me very itchy. Which is pretty light for something that eats paint and plastic.
The first time I had to deal with the stuff was when the clutch in my parents' old car stuck together after a summer of disuse. This was in pre-interweb days, so nobody around knew there was a simple, if insane, solution to this problem : put car in gear, step on clutch, turn key, pump gas, hope it unsticks before you run into something or the driver's head falls off. We eventually gave up and junked it 2 months before I learned to drive. Probably for the best since that car was 8 years older than me and would have turned into a pile of rust if it hit anything.