Just because I don't do enough knitting posts

Oct 27, 2008 15:20

I had a bit of a breakthrough with knitting a couple weeks ago. "Found my flow" would be one way to say it. My knitting pace accelerated, almost without my knowing it. My stitches have evened out considerably, and my tension is more even (and a bit tighter, which is actually good.)

I now have a good grasp of three different sock construction methods, all on circular needles. (Forget those clumsy looking double-points!)

I find myself digging for scraps of patterns -- charts, layouts, that sort of thing -- instead of fully-formed step-by-step instructions for an entire project.

"Wow, I'm a 'real' knitter!" I thought.

And just as quickly laughed at myself. I don't spin (yet), I don't like some of the more fussy yarns that the knitting queen-bees seem to like, and I don't take on big projects. There is always someone to compare yourself to, isn't there?

Anyway, it's really all about the trip, not the destination. (I thought I'd learned that at so many points in my life.)

I make lists of chores, and goals, but then I never live by the list. How I get from point A to B is a mystery to me. Sometimes I end up at C and discover that's really where I wanted to be in the first place.

I wanted to learn to knit decent socks, and here I am, doing it! Along the way I also learned about pattern stitches, color knitting, and lace. I got all the benefits of a decent amount of practice. I got to spend more time with muneraven , knitting while we watch TV or talk. I got to spend more time with my yarn friend hobbitt !

And somewhere along the way, I also got a little better about housework and my home improvement projects. I got a little more organized at work. I cook more, and more of it locally grown. I started my herb garden with two plants this weekend.

In other words, I've moved ever so slightly ahead with a few things that help me relax, make me happy, and have nothing to do with either of my children.

Yay for me. There is yet hope.

personal growth, knitting

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