You Are Having a Green Day
You are approaching today with a good deal of balance and awareness.
If you didn't pay attention, today could be like any old day. Nothing too exciting is going on.
But for you, today all about making the most of each moment.
You are seeing the beauty in every situation, and you're keeping your mind open to possibilities.
What Color Day Are You Having? Your Toes Should Be White
A little funky and a little fresh, you're constantly evolving your flirting style.
Your ideal guy: A witty brainiac with hottie potential
Stay away from: Overly dorky guys who become obsessed with you
What Color Should Your Toenails Be? You Should Drive a Yellow Car
You're the type of driver who doesn't mind giving someone a break on the road.
You are eternally cheerful, and a little bad traffic is never going to effect your mood.
And while you're definitely laid back, a part of you also loves to be noticed.
You're a performer at heart. And you love showing off a few slick driving moves every now and then!
What Color Car Should You Drive? You See the World Through Orange Colored Glasses
You live your live with enthusiasm. You enjoy what you have, and you are determined to live a happy life.
You judge all your interactions through the lens of curiosity. You are genuinely interested in other people and tend not to be judgmental.
You face challenges with a playful attitude. You are determined to succeed, and a part of you enjoys any challenge.
You see love as the utmost expression of creativity. For you, love is about building a unique and interesting life together.
At your worst, you are irritable and burned out. Sometimes you burn too brightly.
You are happiest when you are given free reign to explore, create, and play.
What Color Glasses Do You See the World Through?