Sticky Songs

Apr 30, 2007 14:34

Sometimes a song just sticks in my head ... not in the earworm sense, but in the "hey, you, LISTEN to me" sense. Something in the lyrics or the melody or the chord structure resonates with a hidden knowing.

The phrase that stuck today: When I started this journey so long ago, I was only just trying to outrun the noise ... There was never a question of having a choice.

My sense is that I generally wander through my life, stumbling and falling -- but I always felt I was following something. Some light or beacon or misguided idea of a goal always seemed to be calling my onward.

On the bad days, I think the wandering really is all there is ... that I'm really no different than a wolf in her pack, that there is no higher goal than survival and no more ultimate achievements than birth, the hunt, and death. I'm still mired in a shifting landscape made by random collisions.

On my better days, I believe there is a strange beauty and order to the universe but I can't more than glimpse it because my perspective is all wrong. As in chaos theory, if I could just pull back ... reach that degree of magnitude in distance that would allow me to see that emerging pattern.

Today's sticky song: Mary Chapin Carpenter, The Calling

Deep in your blood or a voice in your head
On a dark lonesome highway
It finds you instead
So certain it knows you, you can't turn away
Something or someone has found you today

Genius or Jesus, maybe he's seen us
But who would believe us
I can't really say
Whatever the calling, the stumbling or falling
You follow it knowing
There's no other way, there's no other way

There are zealots and preachers
And readers of dreams
The righteous yell loudest
And the saved rise to sing
The lonely and lost are just waiting to hear
Any moment their purpose
Will be perfectly clear

And then life would mean more
Than their name on their door
And that far distant shore that's so near
They'd hear the calling
And stumbling and falling
They'd follow it knowing
There's nothing to fear
Nothing to fear

I don't remember a voice
On a dark, lonesome road
When I started this journey so long ago
I was only just trying to outrun the noise
There was never a question of having a choice

Jesus or genie, maybe they've seen me
But who would believe me
I can't really say
Whatever the calling, the stumbling and falling
I followed it knowing there's no other way

Jesus or genie, maybe he's seen me
But who would believe me
I can't really say
Whatever the calling, stumbling and falling
I got through it knowing there's no other way
There's no other way

meaning of life, religion, musing

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