Don't you understand that the mental health system is a definition of insanity?

Oct 27, 2009 15:08

"If you listen to this, don't you understand that the mental health system is a definition of insanity at this point? You keep doing the same thing again and again, and expect a different outcome."

Minds on the Edge ... a fantastic transcript (you can watch it, too, but hey, I'm at work ...) FINALLY! Someone speaks truth about the crazy ass system we pass off as trying to help folks.

Funny: the series wasn't aired in Minnesota. We all must be so fucking busy being "nice" that we can't talk about the idiocy in the system.


Yes, if you're wondering, we got hit again by the system. Nothing my kid has done, up to and including stalking me with a knife, has traumatized me the way Ramsey County Children's Mental Health has.

It was suggested that we check into county services, re placing our child in a group home. The county suggested a CADI waiver. They sent someone over to do an assessment. I saw an MA number on the application, and asked about it. I told this person that my child did not currently have MA (a requirement) or a county case manager (because THEY closed our case when he was placed out of the home) nor was he currently SSI Disability Certified (it expired, he's a child ...) ... She went ahead and submitted the dang application and it was, of course, turned down. Because he is not on MA.

Oh, actually, the details of why the closed his case are pertinent: we would not pay the TEFRA parental fee (about $600/month at that time) so the case manager who refused services because I had to place him out of the home because he was completely psychotic and homicidal, could call me one a month while he was in treatment in another state. Because this state had no place that would take him.

I can't even write this without feeling the crazy-making. I had a moment yesterday where I felt so angry I started crying. But not any more.

I'm collecting names now. Who sent the worker out. Who sat on the committee who rejected this application.

Words. Words are my sword and my shield. This time, I'm going to use them.

absurdity of modern life, mental illness

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