A tweet harvest

Apr 27, 2009 16:28

Get it, tweet? sweet?

Oh well.

I updated my Twitter lists today. While installing yet another version of the product I'm supposed to write about. That involved installing SQL Server Express 2008, which involved installing .NET and some other pre-reqs, only to find out I had the wrong java version so couldn't run the installer.

It's running now, and I missed the 4:30 bus, so I'm back to LJ.

Today's wackiest Twit: I started following a large American Idol twitter persona, and a few minutes later BuddyTV started following me. I guess it's some dude in Seattle. Oh well.

Today's "finds" -- wow, this is SO like garage sale spotting, yanno?
So DITAWorks looks like a very cool product -- XML authoring for Eclipse IDE, I really need that!

Blackbaud is some kind of non-profit software, but they have a really cool team of tech writers, apparently, who blog and tweet. Here's what I said: "A tech writerly use for Twitter: improving skills such as conciseness, vocabulary (best word choice), and editing http://bit.ly/6GEWR"

Rebecca Lobo is cool, and she just twittered about our new Lynx player, Rene Montgomer, shooting hoops with the Prez!

So I will leave with a quote (of other quotes) from Every Kitchen Table:

  1. Do not get fat; if you are fat, reduce. Favor fresh vegetables and fruits. Avoid heavy use of salt and refined sugar. Get plenty of exercise and outdoor recreation. See your doctor regularly, and do not worry.  -Ancel Keys, Cardiologist, 1959
  2. There are no “secrets” to cooking - only good guidance combined with experience.  To cook good dishes you must start with real food. In general, the better the ingredients you have the simpler your cooking can be.  -Mark Bittman, How to Cook Everything, 1998
  3. Eat less, move more, eat lots of fruits and vegetables…go easy on junk food.  -Marion Nestle, What to Eat, 2006
  4. Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.  -Michael Pollan, In Defense of Food, 2008

Which sorta reflects the way society has moved, anyhow, over the years. Still the same problems, but the talk gets shorter and shorter ...

absurdity of modern life, greening, lynx rule!, teknology

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