Jun 27, 2010 09:43
I as looking for a post by a friend today and LJ had this on my screen:
Daybreakers is more awesome than True Blood (bored housewife/fangirl porn supposedly based around a housewife porn book series), Vampire Diaries (PG-13 crap) and Twilight (flat out shit) combined.
BTW, girls don't fap, they shlick. Man up and get it right.
Now, I don't care one way or the other about True Blood. Frankly, I've read the books and while they are entertaining, I'm not a HUGE fan. My husband is a bigger fan of the show than I am, mainly because of all the sex. (I'm just sayin', Honey.) I can't say that I like Twilight at all, but that's more because I just didn't like the writing style. It has its place in literature.
Here's what bothers me about the statement: Why, when a person doesn't like a particular show/book/picture/actress/actor/film/genre, is there a rush to judge it based on what a 'bored housewife' would like? Why is it that women's fiction, fiction produced by women, or any permutation thereof, less pertinent to so-called auteurs than say, the same produced by men. Nicholas Sparks, IMO, is a terrible writer that produces a single story over and over, (someone always dies or the couple ends tragically) yet we don't hear from readers who don't like him that he writes solely for 'bored housewives who want to 'insert your derogatory word for masturbation.'
And truly, this generalization that the artistic output for females by females is somehow less-than those produced by males is present across the arts. I had a discussion with an artist friend who denigrated Mary Cassatt while likening similar artists (Degas, Monet, Van Gogh) to almost gods in the artistic world.
Really? I asked. Why?
Their answer was that Cassatt's work was too intimate, too female, too interior.
Is this a bad thing? Females are all those things and more, why wouldn't the difference of perspective be appreciated, even celebrated?
So, to the person who wrote that little dig at women and their art, thank you. I will continue to read/view things produced by women for women. It makes me proud that we finally have a voice in traditionally male-dominated endeavors.
Okay, rant over. You can go back to your normal lives.
true blood,
stupid people,
sookie stackhouse,
women's fiction,