auf wiedersehen, wien

Jul 08, 2008 18:55

I got back to McAllen Sunday night.

And I got sick Monday morning. It's really annoying me that my body totally freaks out and my immune system abandons me whenever I get back home. Not a good cycle. I'm going to try to keep a closer eye on my health and hope that this doesn't happen again.

When I went to the doctor on Monday, I realized that I have gained 10 lbs since the last time I weighed myself, and I don't even remember when that was. There are enough pictures to prove I enjoyed myself in Vienna what with all that good gelato and pastry.

Lol. I had a great time being busy and kicking back with friends who I grew to love so much and who I miss so much now. I received a lot of encouraging words about my potential as a performer, and I think I'm going to change my major to performance, though I'm not entirely sure what I want to do with my life yet. Right now I feel like performance is the most interesting, exciting challenge for me (as opposed to how restless I get doing a ton of reading and writing... though I love doing both, they wear me out when I'm being graded on them). Getting a performance major will allow me to more closely study what I'm directly interested in -- for starters, it will give me room to take two languages... and just do more performing.

Anyway, in Vienna I learned a hell of a lot about singing, and I feel like I have some solid things to work on now, though I am still slightly confused with the differences in technique between my teacher at school and my teacher in Vienna. I'll figure it out eventually.

Forging friendships with amazing musicians from all over the U.S. has been an amazing, inspiring experience. I got to sing in a trio with two of my roommates! It was so stimulating and fun being surrounded by such talented people every day. Luckily I will be 30 minutes away from one of them next semester.

Okay this has been lovely but now it's dinner time und ich bin sehr hungrig.

P.S. I'm really loving all of this unexpected rain. Thanks for the monsoon, Valley! It's so refreshing after sweating my ass off in Wien every day.
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