Story rec!

Apr 25, 2012 14:58

So I'm usually not one for rec'ing things but this story just captured my heart!

The last chapter got updated an hour or so ago, so it's no longer a WIP and I can rec away!!!

This is the second story by this author that I've read, and both are fantastic!

Gadarene by unpossible. 

“You’re the Prince?” Merlin says, eyeing him. He hesitates, then says, defiant, “The Mad Prince of Camelot.”
Arthur doesn’t move. There’s quiet for a long time, then he says it. “I am.”
“You don’t seem mad,” he says.
The smile wells up from somewhere deep, and very sad. “Well, Merlin,” he says, “give me time.”

It's such an enjoyable read - it's a canon AU and there are so many twists and turns, it's truly brilliant! The characters, while true to canon each have their own little quirks that make them amazing! I particularly love Arthur in it, he's so noble, so just and so selfless - it's beautiful. The language, the dialogue, the imagery, the world-building, everything about this fic is fantastic! It's HOT, clever and funny and in parts, really heart breaking! Well worth a read if you haven't already found it!

reading, merlin, fanfiction, rec

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