Take the quiz.
Post your results.
1) Does
karuchan have a big secret? How would I know? It's a secret.
2) What rank would
plaguemask have in a giant robot army? Honored Robotic Leader
3) What do you agree with
rinzii about? Men :|
4) Is
fayore a college student? University-student-to-be
5) How would
karuchan conquer the world? With plushies and love?
6) If
karuchan and
fayore were spliced together, what would be its name? Kayore? Fayoruchan?
7) What video game does
antisocialxgrl remind you of? :( I can't think of any.
rinzii's eye color? Blue
9) How long have you known
sparklingwall? Since I was 14-- that's four years
10) Does
chimericalamour know
mangamaster? Nope.
11) What would you do if you found out
chimericalamour has a crush on you? Be oddly flattered.
12) Does
sparklingwall go to your school? I don't go to school and neither does she X3
13) If
rinzii took over the world, who would suffer? Men, exboyfriends, idiots.
14) What animal does
mangamaster remind you of? I would say a tiger, cause she's ToraTora.
15) What would
moo_moo_cowgirl give
karuchan for his/her birthday? Manga and anime. Maybe lesbian love.
16) What is
fayore's favorite band/artist? Gosh, I don't know.
17) What is
karuchan's favorite game? Probably an FF or one with that Snake dude.
18) Would you ever date
moo_moo_cowgirl? Definitely not. It would be a disaster, haha.
19) How tall is
aviarchy? Tall enough to ride all the big kid rides?
20) If
aviarchy and
antisocialxgrl were spliced together, what would it be like? It would be like a tree with crab apples and blueberries growing from it. (Aka: Really great)
21) Do
feio_fourthgone and
chimericalamour go to the same school? Neither of them go to school.
22) Has
karuchan dyed their hair? Probably, almost definitely.
23) One quality you find attractive in
fayore? Honesty
24) What flavor of jello would
kayley_star be? Some delicious limey green flavor. Or maybe something with a dark purply flavor.
25) Would
plaguemask and
strangekodomo make a good couple? God, no.
26) Is
karuchan dead sexy? Indubitably.
27) What would
mangamaster think of
sparklingwall? They probably wouldn't get along at all.
28) Have you ever dated
plaguemask? We're married. :)
29) What comic book character would
strangekodomo be? I couldn't think of one.
30) Is
rinzii single? Nope (unfortunately)
31) How many monkeys could
plaguemask fight at once and win against? Probably about 126 billion.
32) Would you make out with
antisocialxgrl? Not much for the girl-on-girl makeouts I'm afraid. Except when I'm drunk.
33) Have you flirted with
rinzii? Endlessly.
34) Does
sparklingwall do drugs? You could maybe say something like that.
35) Is
strangekodomo a high school student? I believe so.
36) Which president would
rinzii be likely to idolize?
37) Do you have
moo_moo_cowgirl's screenname? Um... What?
38) Are
sparklingwall and
karuchan going steady? YES. Of course. (I lied)
39) What languages does
karuchan speak? Karurish. (Also English)
40) Would you wrestle
rinzii in jello? Yes.
41) Could you see
strangekodomo and
kayley_star together? Not at all.
42) What is
feio_fourthgone's favorite movie? Fuck, he told me just the other night. Well, um, I don't think it's Fantasy Force 7... but I'm saying that anyways.
43) What color should
mangamaster dye their hair? Bloo?
44) What is
antisocialxgrl allergic to? Bananababies.
45) What is
kayley_star's biggest flaw? She's too hard on herself I think :P
46) If
kayley_star had a superpower, what would it be? Wow, I really don't know.
47) When did you last call
mangamaster? Never in my life. :(
48) Would
aviarchy go out with
plaguemask? HAHAHA probably
49) Is
moo_moo_cowgirl popular? With NEEEERDS :B
50) Has
kayley_star been to your house/dorm? gNOme :(
51) Is
moo_moo_cowgirl friends with
antisocialxgrl? Nope
52) Where was
sparklingwall born? Portage la Prairie, Winnepeg?
rinzii's hair color? Purrrple
54) Are
mangamaster and
feio_fourthgone going out? YES. No.
55) Would
plaguemask and
fayore look good together? Naw. Sadly.
56) Is
feio_fourthgone related to
chimericalamour? Yes. ... .... ..... no...
57) What planet should
feio_fourthgone be from? Mercury
58) What is
rinzii's favorite food? Bananababies
59) Would
aviarchy be a better ninja or pirate? Pirate. Ninjas SUCK.
60) Is
karuchan related to you? She's my conjoined twin. No.
61) Is
strangekodomo athletic? I don't know, actually.
62) What mental disorder does
kayley_star remind you of? Bipolar disorder
63) Did
rinzii break up with you? Yes, but we got back together.
64) What do you disagree with
kayley_star about? Hmm... punk music?
65) Does
aviarchy have a dog? Yes!
66) One thing you can't stand about
karuchan? We don't talk :( And she killed my bananababies.
67) What would you do if
chimericalamour died? I'd probably be shocked/depressed.
68) What exotic animal would
rinzii like as a pet? A bananababy. Actually, a bearded dragon.
69) Does
feio_fourthgone have a crush on
strangekodomo? YES. NO. PF.
70) If
kayley_star and
rinzii were siamese twins where would they be joined? The hip.
71) How would
strangekodomo kill
mangamaster? A giant mallet? I dunno.
72) If
moo_moo_cowgirl were hanging off a cliff, what would
mangamaster do? Panic and try to save her.
73) If
mangamaster was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? Homophobic Man!
74) What word best describes
rinzii? Awesome
75) Is
plaguemask in a relationship? Yes
76) Where was
plaguemask born? Um crap somewhere in the USA
77) Is
moo_moo_cowgirl an emo? Not really.
78) Do you have a crush on
chimericalamour? Nope.
79) What would
fayore do differently in your shoes? Everything.
80) Is
antisocialxgrl your best friend? Nope :(
81) Thoughts on
aviarchy? FUCK THE HIERARCHY !!1
82) Where did you first meet
chimericalamour? Online.
83) Where would
moo_moo_cowgirl most like to visit? Bumsex city
84) Does
antisocialxgrl drink? Yar
85) Which of your friends should
strangekodomo go out with? Mangamaster? I dunno!
86) Does
sparklingwall travel a lot? Not really?
87) What is
mangamaster's shoe size? 8? 9?
88) Would you set up
antisocialxgrl and
aviarchy? Yes, but it'd never work out.
89) Are
plaguemask and
moo_moo_cowgirl married? No! PLAGUEMASK IS MINE.
90) Do you think
plaguemask is hot? O baby
91) Does
plaguemask smoke? No baby
92) What song/movie would you recommend to
kayley_star? Anarchist Cookbook?
93) If
plaguemask commanded an army, who would be his/her followers? Robots, duh.
94) What animal should
chimericalamour be combined with? A bird or maybe some kind of delicate fox type thing.
95) How long would
rinzii dating
sparklingwall last? Forever.
96) What is
feio_fourthgone's favorite color? Orange
97) Is
antisocialxgrl a nerd? Maybe more of a geek.
98) Is
aviarchy 1337? }{311 `/35!!
99) Is
rinzii introverted or extroverted? Both to some extent
100) If
sparklingwall took over the world, who would be happy? Sparklingwall