The vast majority of the world's books, music, films, television and art, you will never see. It's just numbers. I have never read something and been so depressed in a all my life. I like to to think of myself as a connoisseur, and the knowledge that there's a good majority of the world that I will never know or see; that leaves me positively cold. I want to see everything. I want to be that fascinating person who knows all about something but sits back and lets others talk. He knows what's really going on.
Then again, sometimes I look in the ever growing list of books I have set up to read, which I really should find some way to take care of other than just deleting, and I think of how far behind I am getting. Will I ever know all I wanted to about the various subjects of which I am a Jack of All Trades, yet master of none?
I think part of this sad realization has been in my mind for a very long while. I guess it's stupid to feel like I somehow haven't done everything I wanted to and never will at the ripe old age of 28, but I do feel like I could be doing more. Especially given where I am. I still haven't seen Paris, well, more than the Metro lines that is.
I got to see some of London, and funny enough, a week still wasn't enough. I saw countless paintings, relics from societies that no longer exist, hell, I saw the rosetta stone, which by the way was a complete shock. I just need to feel like I've been places and seen things. I want to go places and do things, but at the same time, I don't want to impose my will on others. I want to see the world organically, not just because I've decided that I have to by this year see the Mona Lisa or I never will.
I have also discovered that I could deal with hostle life. It's neither glamorous nor for the faint of heart, but I could live out of a suitcase without a razor. Maybe not indefinitely, but for a while. I guess I just want to have fascinating stories if not to tell children, at the very least nieces and nephews. I just want to be fascinating, is that so wrong.
Ok, I think I need to stop this now as the last line reminds me of a scene from Absolutely Fabulous. When you can say that about anything in your life, it's time to pull back and recenter.
Other than that, things are going well here. So I think I'll keep trying to at least fascinate myself, and work three stories into one chapter. I am trying to figure out some way to do this cohesively. The last thing I need is to muddle things anymore than they are. Purposeful muddling is a good thing; but by accident, that's a whole new can of worms.