
Nov 06, 2007 07:46

Yesterday was my first day of anything resembling school since all this crap started. Since they're still in the process of rearranging my classes, and Archer-sensei wants me to get used to it bit by bit, I only have 6th period history, until I'm ready to move on. I got dizzy at first and panicked, but after roaming the hallways for some time, I started to feel better, summoned what courage I had, and walked into the classroom. (doesn't that just sound so pathetic? D:) I made it about 15 minutes before I panicked again and had to leave again. After calmng down sufficiently, I walked beck in and stayed for the 15 remaining minutes. Pretty good, considering the fact that I was having MAJOR panic attacks last week.

I'm rather proud of myself. I felt really happy afterwards. (I also had a lorazepam in me, but yanno, I GOT THROUGH IT.)

I feel a bit comforted knowing it's (God willing...gimme some slack, eh Big Guy? Please?) going to get easier and easier as I keep going...everybody was really happpy to have me back, and I'm prety sure I have a LOT of explaining to do. DX Nobody minus the teachers seems to know what a thyroid is.

I've also finally got off my art block, and discovered a new inking technique to boot! Must be soomething about going back to school, because I've seen it happen to other artists, too: they're out of school or sick for awhile, and they just can't seem to draw, and then they get back in school and they're back in black! ....Um. *couldn't think of a better analogy*

Also, a few days ago, I met this Japanese person and his wife via Grandpa (on the phone; they were his clients), and I conversed with the man in Japanese. It was SO COOL. He understood me! He said my accent was very good. I didn't tell him it was from watching anime day and night. (I also didn't tell him that I still can't get down the "ORE O DARE GA TO OMOTTEYAGARU" thing. That's irrelevant. XD) He and his wife told me about the anime club at school (it meets todaaayyy~) and a girl they know who draws manga. They said she'll call me at some point. Sa-weet~

school, panic attacks, anime

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