May 14, 2011 03:20
00:11:07 : @ nothingweird ONE, THAT I KNOW OF. XD 00:16:14 : AND THEN, MILES EDGEWORTH JOINED _SKATING. #TROLOLOLOLO 00:22:01 : LOOK AT MY FAIL TROLLING: =131032352#t131032352 00:37:52 : Phoenix - Countdown (Sick for the Big Sun) - 01:06:37 : Photo: tricorder: 01:31:30 : Coldplay - What If? - 02:14:12 : I kind of really want to talk to either @ koholint2 or @warm_use right now for no particular reason, other than that they're both awesome. :3 02:22:36 : The Beatles - Revolution 1 - 02:38:32 : Check out 岩垂徳行 - The Blue Badger's March Theme via @lastfm 02:57:52 : RT @steven_moffat: I've peaked! I've had a tweet that just says "Fuck off!" Clearly I win Twitter. 03:00:20 : @ steven_moffat DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT, BITCHES BE JEALOUS THEY DON'T HAVE YOUR INTENSE WRITING SKILLS. 03:13:37 : 堀山俊彦 - Gyakuten Saiban 4 - Trial - 04:02:36 : HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO WATCH DOCTOR WHO IF NETFLIX KEEPS ON MESSING UP? WEJTNFSKLDNAJSBNJGTFLAC ALL OF MY RAGE. 05:15:56 : RT @mrchrisaddison: Put your hand up if you can type one handed. 05:20:24 : It appears some of the Doctor Who episodes are messing up on Netflix. I've tried other things and they seem to be working fine. 05:20:57 : Doctor Who is the only thing that seems not to work. Oh well. ;~; 05:22:06 : Photo: 05:38:31 : @ walover165 ~*I SUMMON THEE*~ 05:55:26 : Serge Lama - Je Suis Malade - 06:06:20 : Photo: 06:18:27 : @Plushenchrist, I love you~! 06:19:54 : Bah, I want sushi. ): 06:21:07 : @ Plushenchrist How can you possibly love me more, when I love you more? :P 06:23:05 : @ Plushenchrist I'm out of sushi nori or otherwise I'd make you some. ): 06:26:56 : @ Plushenchrist You must allow me to express how ardently I admire, and love you. 06:27:32 : Photo: fylowsugar: 06:28:53 : @ Plushenchrist So I hear you liek mudkipz. 06:31:37 : @ Plushenchrist I'm bored, entertain me. :3 07:00:24 : RT @jeremyabbottpcf: Happy Friday 13 everyone! :) I actually very much enjoy this day and love the number 13. 08:00:38 : Photo: WHY ISN’T THERE ENOUGH NINE LOVE? WAUGH. 08:12:46 : Photo: 08:39:27 : My dad and I are doing ~ok~ so far, but he said Matt Smith looks like Frankenstein so... T____T 08:41:55 : @ micomao Uh... something about "...I do not know, I have not been selected", or something. IDK what Солнышкопока is though. 08:45:51 : @ walover165 'SUP. 08:53:28 : So, bbs, I just uploaded Plushy's Olympics SP on YT as an unlisted video, we'll see how long this lasts: 08:57:08 : @ walover165 Yay for your blogs being finished. IDK anything about Ferrari but that sucks. D: /pats 09:01:08 : @ CongressQueen Yeah, but I put it as unlisted, so it will take much longer to be taken down if someone even finds it. XD 09:09:07 : :O I knew that some power lines got knocked down, but this is scary: I live ~sorta~ close to this area too. 09:18:46 : @ walover165 THERE ACTUALLY USED TO BE A SKATING RP CALLED FML_SKATING. IDK WHY IT DIED, BUT I USED TO PLAY JOHNNY THERE. #TROLOLOLOLO 09:19:19 : @ walover165 AND @WARM_USE WAS PLUSHENCHRIST. 8D #ITWASAMAZING 09:21:17 : Photo: 09:27:10 : @ walover165 D: I would have tried to keep it alive, but my computer decided to die. Oh well, at least I wasn't the one running the place... 09:28:11 : @ walover165 But it still died anyway. ;~; Then this reminds me, I never finished writing that RP plot with my friend Luca. DX 09:39:53 : NEW POST TO PLUSHENKO_DAILY BBS: 09:46:00 : @ walover165 The plot my friend and I were writing was really cool too. It takes place in a dreamland and you get fight with your dreams... 09:47:10 : @ walover165 as in, like your nightmeres become reality and such. And there's going to be this monarchy that decides which dreams you get... 09:47:52 : @ walover165 WHY DID WE NEVER FINISH WRITING THIS? D: DAMNIT LUCA FOR NEVER BEING ONLINE, I NEED TO TRACK HER DOWN OR SOMETHING. ARUGH. 10:01:14 : An open letter to Luca: - WHY DID WE NEVER FINISH WRITING THAT ROLEPLAY PLOT? D: WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN ANYWAY?... 10:04:52 : @ walover165 IT WAS GOING TO BE EPIC. IF I NEVER FINISH WRITING IT WITH HER, THEN I GUESS I'LL TRY WRITING IT MYSELF. #TROLOLOLOLO 10:08:47 : Photo: smilesedgeworth: WHAT? WHAT IS THIS? WHAT? WHAT? WHAT. 10:20:45 : Miles Edgeworth - I Can't Defeat Tree Man (Treeman ga Taosenai) - 10:32:31 : Photo: 10:34:26 : Photo: 10:35:51 : Photo: epic4chan: IS IT SAD I LOL’ED AT THIS? 11:01:08 : dannydoyle13 asked: awwww okay o3o kaflöakflöa♥ >w 11:04:04 : Video: Will possibly have to deal with my dad today. Watching Plushenko’s “Je Suis Malade” oddly makes me... 11:05:07 : Photo: kumako365jp: 11:25:03 : Message me a number: 11:59:12 : From 4chan With Love: my 10 commandments, according to uncited quotes by Ronald Reagan on the Internet: -... 12:04:49 : I WANT KAWAII DESU FANART OF RONALD REAGAN NOW. - I WANT KAWAII DESU FANART OF RONALD REAGAN NOW. 12:13:30 : @ muse - I Belong To You/Mon Coeur S'ouvre à ta Voix - 14:04:50 : Photo: HAY GUYS, LOOK AT HOW MUCH OF A DORK I AM. 8’D 16:10:42 : So apparently Cancer was cured last week, but no one gives a fuck 16:11:10 : full metal alchemist - Kei - 16:27:21 : Photo: fuckyeahcats: 16:47:00 : Photo: 17:12:19 : Photo: turnaboutklema: 17:19:54 : Photo: silvensorrow: These should be rules for life, but I agree society 3 would be impossible for many... 17:21:12 : Photo: justaceattorneythings: 17:24:30 : Photo: And then this happened… 17:27:49 : Photo: designersof: 17:29:22 : RT @cosplaycom: #freewigfriday Follow @ cosplaycom and RT this message before midnight tonight PST for the chance to win a free wig from ... 17:32:09 : Tweets temporarily unlocked for my poor pitiful attempt to win #freewigfriday. I need a new Edgeworth wig. /sob 17:35:03 : @ excelerating_ THIS IS THE ONLY ADVANTAGE TO MY BLONDE HAIR. AHAHAHA, I'm trying to piece together a Kristoph cosplay for epic #trololololo~ 17:35:57 : @ excelerating_ But IA, wigs are expensive. ;____; I will take any opportunity to win a free wig. 17:42:50 : @ excelerating_ IKR? Welcome to the _skating infiltration of Yunabots, PChan stans, and FSU members 2k11. D: 17:56:52 : Stars - In Our Bedroom After the War - 18:07:37 : Photo: silvensorrow: ORANGE BRO, YOUR ARGUMENT IS INVALID. GO HOME NOW, #NO1CURR. 18:11:43 : Photo: silvensorrow: NO GIRL EVAN CAN FIND WILL BE AS FIERCE AS PLUSHY AND YANA, JUST SAYIN’. 18:14:43 : Photo: atimelordsbodyisamiracle: 18:22:04 : Photo: silvensorrow: Oh I know~ XD I’m pretty fond of Johnny Weir myself. :3 Though Jeremy Abbott has really... 18:27:23 : Photo: burnworks: 18:30:47 : Photo: 18:34:41 : Photo: die-oh: WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT, THISIS A VALID RESPONSE… 18:39:38 : silvensorrow: REBLOGGING BECAUSE THIS IS AMAZING. :O 18:48:32 : yellowspiderrrr: Hay bbs~ 18:50:15 : Coldplay - The Hardest Part - Tweets copied by