Feb 03, 2004 16:27
Well.. can we say I can't stop singing Guys and Dolls songs? Today was a productive rehearsal. Like I came home feeling like I really practiced things... I mean... minus the scenes where I have dialogue with Max because he wasn't there.. but otherwise, I am feeling better about Bushel and a Peck, and Lament (sort of) and our new and exciting dance to Take back your mink! (fun to strip on stage.. hehe)
And if you have no idea what I am talking about...then I guess I should take this opportunity to begin publicizing on my ELlllljay-
MARCH 19 20 21!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(times...will come soon)
NYU TISCH Audition tomorrow... yikes- kinda nervous?
Also...REAL WORLD TONIGHT! Who would have thought I would become a fan. weirddd...but such a good show. Oh but before.. obviously I have to take a peek at American Idol. I was thinking about that show...I bet they have like.. an Asian-American girl or boy win the competition. Like, although it is "American" Idol, the show is trying to make some kind of statement. Like, they picked the cute white Southern girl Kelly Clarkson in the first season...then onto the Big overweight black guy, Reuben Studdard, and now I bet it will be like some other "type" of American..just to promote diversity, and to literally prove to America that the "idol" doesn't have to have a perfect body, full bred American blood. Just a prediction I have about the show.
What do you think about that show? (hey gaylon- is that COMMENT WORTHY MATERIAL?!)
I hope people start writing on the HTC HTC HTC community posts. It could be reall coolll if it works.
Anyway, be back later possibly.
Lizove and Pizeace.
***Oh, and for my fellow WICKED fans, Anna's new favorite song= "Dancing through life".......
"Finally for the first night,
I'm about to have a fun night,
with this munchkin boy,
Galinda found for me.
Now I only wish there were,
something I could give to her-
to repay her. Elphaba see?
We deserve each other,
and Galinda made it come true.
We deserve each other, me and Bok.
Please Elphaba, try to understand.
I do." -WICKED