Jan 27, 2004 13:26
Wow.. it has been maybe years since I last updated. So much to talk about.. but gonna wrap it up nice.
So I just got back from Miami the other day. Beautifl weather, beautiful campus, hot area, South Beach= amazing, however...the program, the BFA in Musical Theater accepts 6-8 students out of 1500 applicants..?!?! REDICULOUS? So I didn't get my hopes up.. I mean I can still get in to the school.. but I doubt I would go unless I got in for theater.
Anywayyy...aside from that the auditions are going pretty well so far. I think I was more impressd with Syracuse's program then Miami.. but I still have a lot of schools left to audition for. We will see. I feel like some days I won't ever get in to college.. I'm sure there are more people feeling like this too.
Golden Globes were good... not the best one, but good. I liked the Joan/Melissa Rivers stuff before, because I like seeing all the clothing, how people look, etc. The winners were pretty obvious for movies at least.. Few surprises with TV Shows...I wish SATC won more.. and I wish Friends was nominated..oh and wanna hear something interesting? W and G (ahhh obsession) has been nominated 34 times (like different awards..) and they are 0 for 34. Sad? I think so. It is suchhh a quality show. Bnizz and I will star on it this year. Wait and see!
Speaking of that cool kid- you should have seen us attach ourselves to one another in the jsl today. It was like we haven't seen each other in maybe....6 years? However..it was more like 6 days! haha. Lizovers for life...robviously.
The snow day was nice. I set my alarm for 5:30 so I could see on the TV if we had school or not.. then went right back to sleep! Woke up late.. realized I was a dumbfuck and didn't do part of my theater application for USC... so I quickly got that stuff done. *annoying*
Today was funny.. barely had school since I signed in late, then we got out early. Bnizz called me his bombay dreamer, and told me I am close to a snigg. YAY. I know it is unhealthy, but I like laying in the sun. It makes me happy.
Anyway, going to pig the fuck out with Abraham, since we have nothing better to do but eat lots of lunches on this fine day.
I shall return later.