It's been way too long since I have posted...

Dec 15, 2003 21:36

Well.. December 15th.. the most dreadful day of the year.. however, I was fortunate (or in this case, unfortunate) enough to find out the big news before today. I was rejected from Northwestern University on 12/13/03. And you know what? I'm not too upset about it. I am not one of those "obsessed with that school kinda people"...Of course it would have been really nice to get in to college, to know where I will be next year, to feel some kind of security! But with my luck, go figure. I have to wait until April now to find out, and work diligently on stupid applications this week, so I can get them done by 1/1. Scary! But, as Frankie told me *sigh~ Method Studio* "When the going gets tough, the tough get going." So, that's what I'm gonna do, and by god, Northwestern will wish they had my name on their fucking alumni list in a few years!

Anyway, I took the letter that came in the mail today.. and I burned it in the fireplace. It felt really good...sometimes it's fun to do destructive things like that to make yourself laugh. Hehe.

I can't believe I haven't posted since December 9th. My computer has been really fucked up recently, so whenever I would go on the site, it would freeze my computer, and I would scream and get really frustrated, and then restart (oh and this happened like 9 times a minute). Buttt, now I am downstairs, and it is working well! Not much has happened since Dec. 9th though...except the college bit, which I touched already. I did however sing the national anthem at the wrestling match on sat. like 20 minutes after reading my rejection... I think I sang really well, because I was fuming with emotions and it just all poured out of me when I sang!

Ok.. so...I am finally going to say my monologue about this whole misunderstanding, debate, WHATEVER over the HTC ordeal. Anyone who has EVER done HTC knows that whatever we put into it is what we get out of it. It's a company. Our company. It's not some little fantasy where things just always go your way, and anything you want to do or say is just ok by all...We work really hard on our sets, our acting, our music, our publicity, our costumes, our make up, and most of all, gaining respect for doing what we love. It's rediculous to continuously hear these comments like "theater is changing sooo much" or "Maguire is taking over.. we gotta stop her"...THATS BULLSHIT. Sorry, but some people who joined HTC during the LAST SHOW, or not even, the last 2 WEEKS BEFORE THE LAST SHOW, really should just not speak about all. They have no idea what they are saying, and it aggrivates people who DO understand what has happened in the past...because we were there. Theater is not about cursing for no reason, showing up occasionally, disrespecting your's about making amazing friends, working together to create one incredible work of art, that we can be proud of, remember, cherish, and love forever. This will be my 7th show with HTC... and the memories I have from my experience are countless. Every year though has changed, and change is not bad at all. It's only natural for it to change...big deal. So with new things every year, we make the best of what we have, and we love it just as much. Though I may sound repetitive along with Elise, and the other seniors, its just so true. Mags loves us...she loves what we create...she loves theater...she knows how passionate we are about our company...and she wants to maintain that for us. Anyone who doesn't agree just hasn't accepted her, and that is your own fault, because Mags is a wonderful person, teacher, advisor, and friend. HTC is the reason I go to school. That's why it bothers me when people who have no idea what it means to others just trash it. The friends, memories, and lessons I have learned from HTC will never be forgotten. Whether it is the body glitter I rubbed on Dave Hurwitz's face in Crazy for You, or watching Zac Waldman fall down the stairs, or making fun of Rush with Bnizz in Pippin, or suddenly doing the Leading Player during the preview show, or getting "drunk" out of an enima bag with Elise in Cuckoo's nest, or having Max pinch my ass, or doing "coke" with Bnizz onstage of Godspell, or singing in the stairwell with Molla, or doing a famous Anna and Brendan "show", HTC has such an impact on my life, and no matter what has changed, the feelings I have for this company will stay strong and true. I love all of you guys, and I know that we still have our magic we had when we started out... regardless of these comments from "new kids on the block".

Wow, that was a mouthful. But it had to be said.

Call backs thurs...ahh.. and yayy...!

I think it's only appropriate to say here, that yes, Jordan reads livejournals... haha! I spilled it! She reads mine, and yours too maybe! But noooo, too cool to make one. Love you anyway, favorite always. And~ S4L.

ELLO MRS. J, OW AWW YOU? *sigh~ Blood Brothers*
-I think I might write a college essay on how much that show affected me! funn!

I know this was a long one, but it was only necessary. Comment friends, I like reading them!

BNIZzzz it's been too many hours without you... missing you already. Lizove.

Finally, I am tired. Maybe I can catch some Angels in amazing...because I can always go for more (even though I sat through the whole thing, no moving!).

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