I swear he and I are like peas and carrots.

Dec 03, 2003 23:14

Well... tonight I did something nice service for the community. I taught a saxophone to some little 5th grader who honestly cannot tell the difference between an eighth note and a quarter note.. sad... but whatever, he practiced for me, and it was a cute lesson.. and I find that doing community service (since his hour lesson is freeee) really makes me feel good. It's just so nice when someone can help another person like that.. who needs it. Then I came home, and for the second time today, took a 15 minute nap. I am starting to believe in the whole power nap thing. It makes me feel somewhat better.. though I am stillll so tired. Then I got up, not to start the work I have been putting off for days now, but to go to TCBY with Abraham. Of course we blasted the christmas songs the whole way. He told me how a teacher asked him why he liked christmas music? I was like why? He said that the teacher asked if it offended him that radio stations play all christmas music since he is a jew...? To be quite frank, (hah frank!) I don't think I would enjoy the winter season without B101 playing nonstop christmas music. I fucking love it.. it puts me in a good mood. "Chestnuts roasting on an open fire..." Good shit! Just because I'm a mother fucking jew don't mean I can't appreciate the amazing sounds of the christian people.

Back to my night. I was looking at my new Chicago score (it's incredible) asking Abe to download some songs so I could sing along.. and as he kicks me out of his room.. I walk out and FREAK THE FUCK OUT because BNnizz and EmRoddd are standing in my hallway??! I was like.. um is this a fucking dream? (Since my sleeping pattern has been kind of retarded..) They were like HEYYY! WE'RE VISITING!! hahahahah.. weirdnesss..but fun! I got to chill with them, and it was fun.. ! Gotta love that on a wednesday night. Well.. now I feel popular because since I am going to NJ slash NY this weekend, all my favorite people in the world wanna chill wiht Stoooph and me. I call ehr Stooph because her holocaust surviving grandparentalss like don't know her name and used to send her mail addressed to- Stoophanie Katz. HAHah.. I loved it! What a silllyyy biddiiiieeee. Well, I am getting really tired again, goodnight to you all..

*Bnizz, and my other thesbiansss, 1 WEEK FROM TOMORROW= G&D auditions!!! YAyyyyy.!!!
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