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Jan 21, 2007 17:40

Miscellaneous drabbles. Written for the New challenge at hp100. The Ministry, Bode, and Croaker, are all stolen from leviosarpg, obviously, and the Neville of the last drabble is from my Wittering character, who is over at gibberellin on GJ. I write fic about this version of the Founders, all or most of which is listed here.

Title: Herbology in September
Word Count: 100
Characters: The Founders

The school has only been open for five years, but the new students always arrive with their heads full of ridiculous stories. Godric, of course, bears the brunt of it, what with his unusual appearance and Animagusdom, but there are still plenty of rumors about how Rowena poisoned her Muggle husband, and Salazar, well... nobody likes a politician or a parselmouth. The others spend the first week reassuring the children.

Helga takes a slightly different approach. "Today," she says, "we'll be studying Venus Mantraps. These specimens are very young, so the most they can do is bite off your fingers."

Title: The New Girl
Word Count: 100
Characters: Mary Sue, Harry Potter, Bode, Croaker
Author's Notes: Set sometime in that seemingly-interminable gap between the publication of GoF and OotP.


Harry blinks, but before he can answer, two men in suits burst into the compartment, wands out. "Miss Spiffington?" one says, "you're going to have to come with us."


"Can't talk about that. Department of Mysteries business. Now if you'll go with Croaker..."

Croaker looks unnerved. "Bode, it's your turn." The girl beams at him. "I warn you, I'm married. To an ex-Auror. Don't even think about it."

Bode calls after him. "Tell Ed if we ran the wards on Linux this wouldn't happen. And call the Obliviators. Again."

Title: Newbie
Word Count: 100
Characters: Percy Weasley, the Ministry

The first time Percy ate in the Ministry of Magic cafeteria, the only healthy green thing in his salad was a frog.

The second time, the Unspeakables' Tarot card game caused the table to collapse.

The third time, several surprisingly ambulatory saltshakers armed with sporks had carried his sandwich away, and he decided to go back up to work with an empty stomach.

The woman in the lift gaped. "Goodness, do people actually still eat in the cafeteria?" she asked.

"Not anymore," said Percy, scowling. "My lunch got stolen by saltshakers."

She snorted. "Yes, they do that. Are you new?"

Title: A Nice Flat. Really.
Word Count: 100
Characters: Neville Longbottom

The flat was dreadfully cramped.

"It's comfortable," Neville told them. "I don't need much space, anyway."

It was also rather dark.

"The Perpetual Sunlight charms work very well. And they're good for the plants!"

There was no Floo fireplace.

"I like my privacy!"

It was in a Muggle neighborhood.

"This flat would cost five times as much in a magical neighborhood!"

The stove smelled funny whenever it was turned on.

"Well, I'm sure it's not dangerous."

Actually, Neville loathed the place, but he had invested so much time defending it from others that he might just as well live there.

ship: croaker/amelia, char: ministryers, char: helga hufflepuff, char: rowena ravenclaw, char: plants, fandom: leviosa, char: mary sue, time: 1110s, char: stormshakers, genre: parody, char: unspeakables, char: neville longbottom, char: benjamin croaker, time: 1990s, fic: drabbles, genre: meta, char: salazar slytherin, char: broderick bode, genre: gen, char: harry potter, genre: humor, char: frogs, char: godric gryffindor, char: edwina espis, fandom: wittering, time: 2000s, fandom: harry potter, insp: hp100, char: percy weasley, fandom: founders

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