(no subject)

Jul 04, 2006 18:17

Written for 1sentence. Mostly-platonic rivalry/friendship. Something for everyone (a comedy tonight)! Somewhat spoilery for later parts of the TSE-verse, and the prompts are in semi-chronological rather than numerical order.

Title: If Not the Weight of the World
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Godric Gryffindor and Rowena Ravenclaw
Ships: Godric/Rowena
Theme Set: Gamma
Rating: PG
Summary: Godric and Rowena, through enmity, cooperation, friendship, and love. 1816 words.
Note: The master Founders list is here.

#03 - Memory
Hogwarts: A History only has two chapters about the Founders, and neither of them make any mention of Ravenclaw's fondness for marzipan or Gryffindor's fear of dogs -- what little is said about them is only that they were the first Animagi for many centuries.

#24 - Strength
Ever since he'd been cursed, Godric was horribly tall for his age -- ten feet and still going -- and it took all of his self-restraint not to repay the butcher's sons for fourteen years of near-death experiences.

#38 - Forever
Although Circe herself had seen something in the Muggle Odysseus, nowadays Rowena's family married Muggles only as a last resort -- although it was, of course, better to marry Muggles than commoners.

#23 - Fire
Lord Armel Ravenclaw seemed like a nice enough sort, but he kept insisting that his young wife would burn for all eternity if she kept using magic, so he took away her wand and she entered her own private hell.

#04 - Box
In this little wooden box, behind a fiddly little Muggle lock, was Rowena's sanity.

#01 - Ring
Rowena examined her wedding ring with vague disgust; once she had thought it a magical object binding her to the Muggle, but now all she could think of was Plato's story of Gyges the shepherd and the corruption his ring caused.

#33 - World
"There are... this is... there are buildings," Godric said on his first trip to London, and rolling her eyes, Rowena replied "And cutpurses."

#09 - Red
The cloak was the first nice thing Godric had ever owned, and it was the color of not-quite-dried blood -- to hide the stains better, said Rowena nastily.

#13 - View
While he knew the view from the top of the tower was probably very nice, and perhaps as beautiful as Rowena said it was, his terror of heights had kept him from finding out.

#27 - Fall
September was a glorious time of year at the school -- Lord Slytherin got a fresh new supply of sharp-smelling potions ingredients in, Helga's Whomping Willows turned beautifully lethal colors, and Godric and Rowena each tried to blame each other for inspiring the old rumor about the demon professor who ate students.

#16 - Cover
"I think she went to the greenhouses to look at Helga's fire-breathing snapdragons," Godric invented quickly, having seen Rowena dart into the nearest classroom as soon as she heard her mother coming down the corridor.

#36 - Laugh
"So I was thinking," he started, and then paused before adding "...and don't you say it, you say it every time -- it didn't hurt, and all the rest, and -- Rowena, stop laughing!"

#42 - Talk
"I didn't mean for it to turn orange like that, it just happened, and then when I tried to fix it it bit me and I don't know what you expected me to do, Rowena, because you've enchanted all the desks to bark when I --" and then, mercifully, her Silencing Charm shut him up.

#28 - Forgotten
"Well, I tried writing the passwords down," he explained, "but I think I might've locked the list in my desk drawer and I haven't been able to find the key to that since the Feast of St. Anthony."

#29 - Dance
And of course, when she asked when that had been, he couldn't remember very well: "I think it might be right after the Feast of St. Vitus... or is it before?"

#49 - Lock
Rolling her eyes at him, Rowena picked the lock with a few well-placed charms, and after pulling out the little slip of parchment, she handed it to him and warned, "Don't lose it."

#43 - Search
London was darker than he remembered it being, and he was terrified; if anything here could make Rowena disappear, it could certainly deal with him easily.

#26 - Ice
"Oh, we can't kill her," said her captor, smirking, "at least, not until they pay the ransom -- but then we can do whatever we like."

#02 - Hero
"Oh, for -- I'm fine, you idiot, you didn't have to come and get me!" she shouted through the bars of the cell, trying not to look too relieved.

#21 - Silence
Helga laughed when she saw them working peacefully together in the library rather than arguing, and knew without asking to undo the Silencing Charms they'd sent at each other.

#25 - Mask
"And why would I want help with such a simple thing from a muddle-headed moron like you?" she snapped, and immediately wished she'd said "Yes, I'd very much appreciate it, thanks."

#48 - Unknown
"All right, Godric, you look first," she said, nodding at the magical mirror; she wasn't afraid of what she would see, oh no, she was just careful.

#05 - Run
"Oh, all right, but -- well, I know we've gone over all the charms before," he said, looking nervously at it, "but supposing it... I don't know... explodes?"

#46 - Gravity
"But Rowena, that's ridiculous, I mean, the world can't be round -- what happens to all the people living on the sides?"

#32 - Farewells
"Good luck, goodbye, and don't kill each other," advised Helga, "please -- if only because without Rowena's money around to help us we can't afford to find two new professors."

#06 - Hurricane
"You know, Godric," she said, frowning at the gathering clouds and trying desperately to ignore the wild waves rocking the ship, "this may not have been my best idea."

#15 - Silk
They wandered through the marketplace, encountering luxuries beyond their imaginings -- silk slippers and phoenix feather fans hang on every stall, apothecaries offer spices and bezoars alike, and then, suddenly, Godric found himself face-to-face with a real live elephant.

#22 - Journey
She walked well behind him, cursing the heat and the rocky slopes and the entirety of life beyond the British Isles, and he couldn't help but ask, "So, I suppose all your lovely ancestors all came from the cold, rainy bits of Greece?"

#17 - Promise
Oh no you don't, I'm not going to let you die here, you bastard, she thought, following him into the cave.

#47 - Highway
"Forgive me for not trusting you, but firstly, I think the only reason this even counts as a path is because we're trampling it up, -- and secondly, weren't you telling me about some bloke you were related to who wandered around in a boat for ten years?

#30 - Body
Godric tried not to dwell on the curse too much, but ever since he'd outgrown normal ceilings, he'd acquired a new sympathy for Goliath, Grendel, and even this Polyphemus fellow Rowena talked about.

#11 - Midnight
Rowena stood in front of the open grave, trying to hide the shovels (and the bodies they'd gathered), as Godric spoke hurriedly: "Yes, I know there's a thunderstorm -- and it's late and all -- but really, honestly, it's not what it looks like."

#19 - Candle
The candle-clock had melted into itself, and now even the big fire in the corner was sputtering, and there was Rowena, still squinting at her diagrams in the soft light.

#31 - Sacred
"Really, they even let me into a church once, I don't think they're going to exwhatsitate you -- and if they do, I'll feed them and their funny hats to some of your lions, personally," she said, and though he wasn't sure she'd quite got the point, he decided to take this as an attempt at reassurance.

#14 - Music
Rowena could just make out the bells of the church in the village, and though she refused to believe the story they told, she could see why people went, and she was, briefly, comforted.

#10 - Drink
"It's a sacreligiously easy transfiguration to do," said Godric, pushing the goblet over -- and then, watching her spit it out after she drank from it, added, "though my taste in wine may not be the best."

#12 - Temptation
As she rambled (somewhat drunkenly) about her various misfortunes in love -- the egotist, the vampire, the Muggle, the Arithmancer, and god only knew who else -- and how she Hated All Men, as they were Pigs, Godric reflected that the world was cruel, and should bloody well leave him out of it.

#20 - Talent
He could, Rowena knew, be greater than Circe and Merlin combined if he wasn't so bloody proud of being self-taught and he'd just let somebody competent teach him -- and it was this, most of all, that made her hate him.

#45 - Eclipse
"Considering the amount of obnoxious wittering you're going to get about being an Animagus, I would really rather you just tell them you did it yourself -- don't drag me into this."

#41 - Wait
One by one, the gargoyle came around to each of the Councillors and they filled its mouth with their ballots; it was no use trying to hurry the thing along, because nobody quite trusted it not to bite.

#39 - Overwhelmed
It trotted over to Godric, and from its jaws, it spat a slip of parchment -- Godric of Gryffindor is hereby elected by a vote of eleven to one to the Wizards' Council.

#34 - Formal
The coat of arms bore a sleeping lion and the Latin for "by chance," which Godric felt was an accurate description of how he'd obtained it in the first place.

#07 - Wings
Rowena always leapt eagerly into learning new things; unfortunately, flight as an eagle Animagus, while exhilarating, was a bit trickier than she'd realized.

#35 - Fever
When Godric had fallen ill like that -- so suddenly, and with no contagion -- and when Rowena suddenly knew exactly what to do -- well, it brought to mind the rather sudden way her husband had died.

#40 - Whisper
"Godric, shut up and listen!" she whispered furiously, and then he heard it -- a strange hissing voice in another language.

#08 - Cold
"I think the next time we get captured and locked in a dungeon, we should arrange to do it in the summer," she said, shivering.

#37 - Lies
"I'll be fine," she said, "really," and collapsed.

#50 - Breathe
"Well, she's still breathing," said Jasper, "but she might not be for very long."

#44 - Hope
Perhaps it was because she'd been knocked out for so long, but it wasn't too incredible, was it, that she might still hope that his heart was still beating, that he was, perhaps, asleep, and not... dead?

#18 - Dream
"I wish you'd quit bothering me now that you're gone," she told him, knowing she was asleep by how young she felt; when he laughed, she quickly added, "-- not that I think you're real, of course."

insp: 1sentence, char: helga hufflepuff, genre: prehet, fandom: iliad, char: rowena ravenclaw, genre: angst, time: 1110s, genre: het, char: odysseus, char: paise fowler, fic: drabbles, char: salazar slytherin, genre: gen, char: circe, char: ophelia aeaeae, char: unnamed characters, genre: action/adventure, char: godric gryffindor, char: armel ravenclaw, ship: godric/rowena, fandom: harry potter, fandom: founders

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