i don'7 haVe a wh0ol3 lot 2 s4y. sch0ol h4s kept m3 pretty busy la73ly.
my sud0ku solVer w0rKs a wh0le lot be7ter, now. g37 it heRe:
i als wrotE a brute f0rce solvEr. it c0pmu7es 100,000 solution5 a s3c0nd 0n my 2.3ghz p4 and will 5olv3 any generic sudoku-liek puzzle:
i als0 wrot3 a |3et-ify1ng progRaM. it run5 0ff 0f Regular 3xpressi0nz, 4nd so can do a lo7 m0re th4n just leet, aLthougH sinc3 it does replacem3ntz ranD0Mly, it i5N't really designed 4 s7rE4m Edi7ing per se. j00 c4n define useful translati0n fil35 7h0u6h, lie< 4n htm| esc4p3r. 1t d03sn't yet hav3 4ny com|v|and-l1/\/e 0pti0Ns. just pipe stuff int0 it. ge7 it here
Oh, and a real simple one to add. Hexio converts between eight-bit data and hexidecimal data and is suitable for use in shell scripts (i.e. rand=$(hexio -l 64 -o /dev/random)).