Oct 28, 2012 23:20
I'm hosting a book swap here on my journal.
1. Post in in the comments the books that you want to trade for other books (or just give away to a friend).
2. Comment on other's comments with books of theirs you are interested in.
3. Let that person pick a book of yours that they are willing to swap for.
This can also go between more than just two people. Jane gives a book to Bob, Bob gives a book to Lucy, Lucy gives a book to Frank, Frank gives a book to Jane. So everyone gets a new book and gets rid of an old book. I know there are websites for this but I'm not digging their selection lately and have 30 books or so I'd like to be rid of to get new books for.
My list in the comments. Please invite your friends! This NOT a friends only post. All book lovers welcome.