Oct 19, 2012 22:24
Just got back from seeing "Perks of a Wallflower".
See, there's something about going to the movies on your own. I've been doing it since forever (high school maybe? I can't remember), there are just some times I have to do it, I have to sit there when the lights go out, which is one of the things I love most about life, ever since I was very very small. I have to sit there, think with myself, talk to myself sometimes and be that lonely girl I used to be, because she's in there, she's the very foundation of everything I turned out to be, and I love that foundation. It's a good one.
It's a good one because I learned so much about myself those days. I know these things now because of who I was, I can dig within myself for answers when I know they exist, and I can tell why I do some things and why I don't do others, and if there is something I want to change I can go there and change it because I know where to go and look. Those are things I learned long ago, on my own, sitting on my bed, listening to music, trying to figure out what were all these things inside me and how they fit together.
Which brings me to the movie. It was a good choice for the alone show. Just the right one. I had very little expectations of it, and went because of (admittedly) Emma Watson, but it was one of the most beautiful,, sad, real and optimistic movies I've seen in a while. I haven't read the book (I might now), but I think it was done very well. the guys are great, Emma Watson is more than great, the story is thick enough to hold all the drama, and the characters are the kind you immediately like. I liked the Rocky horror picture show reenactment, the music, the snow angel, but the tunnel ride was just how you're supposed to feel when you're around people you love.
You listen to that song, and you spread your arms, and the wind is in your face, and the tunnel rushes by you and then it's over and the sky are so big and quiet, and that moment, there - it was worth it.
That's what it was to me. because my foundation isn't bare anymore. But the beauty and stability of the structure I have nowadays relies on that foundation, and its importance has never been transparent to me.