Answers to the fannish meme...

Aug 17, 2009 11:10

Since no one else was interested, I give you the answers to Mel's questions

Top Five Kisses:
1. Sam and Annie at the series finale of "Life on Mars". One of my most awaited kisses in television ever, and it was worth every little second of expectation. I love John Simm to death.

2. Thelma and Louise at the end of "thelma and Louise". This kiss has so many meanings and layers, and it's one of the most unexpected kisses of cinema. Kiss goodbye to everything behind - life, men, normalcy. The only thing that's left is them two, and they mean everything to each other at this moment.

3. Georgia Nicholson and her many partners. She has some five kissing partners throughout the series (at least the novels I've read) and she has the funniest way to rate the kisses, talk about them, laugh about them and just never take them seriously. The best comedy.

4. Ella and Hillel in "The Water Between the Worlds". She pretended to be a guy in "The Whale of Babylon", almost died trying to save him and his people almost killed her when they learned she was a woman. She lost all her futures to a demon, save this little moment, and that moment became her future. I love her as a character and I trust she won't let Hillel be the only man around...

5. Viviann and Richard in "Pretty Woman". Oh, come on. Can't leave this one out! The mother of all fairy-tales, fantasies and romantic comedies. We shall all bow now. :)

Top Five Weapons:
1. The Colt from "Supernatural" - best way to kill demons, vampires and what-nots. It opened a doorway to hell, killed one of the main antagonists of the show and gave Ruby (*caughbitchcaugh*) a way to weasel her way into Sam's good books. cool thing, that is.

2. Pike - every fucking Narnia book. Oh, the nostalgia!

3. The Ring - "Lord of the Rings". Evil, that is. And so many has fallen for its fake promises, and so much power in that little piece of bloody metal. Effing spooky.

4. Love - "Harry Potter". Yes, so it's not so much of a weapon in real life, but then who uses pikes these days?! Want to get HHMNBN out of you soul? Just love your deceased godfather! Seriously, though. Corny, true, but as someone who lives in a country of terror and a lot of hatred I think winning a fight through love can save a lot of lives.

5. Subway train filled with TNT - "V for Vendetta". Oh, the glory of death blowing up parliament with a huge batch of explosive and roses! And have Natalie Portman ship you! Cool as can be.

Top Five Season Finales:
1. Gilmore Girls - season 4 finale. I remember my squeaks of happiness I ushered when Lorelai and Luke finally kissed (and with the best lines ever - "Will you just hold still?" :)).

2., 3. Together, two of the saddest episodes I've ever seen - season 4 finale of "House" and season 3 finale of "Lost". Amber's death was such a blow to Wilson and I really couldn't stop crying, and Charlie's death at the subterranean "Dharma" station was simply heart breaking.

4. "Supernatural" - season 4 finale. Can't wait to see what the Devil looks like. Pure fun.

5. "Life on Mars" - Season 2 (and series) finale - for that scene he stands on the roof hearing the song, for him kissing Annie, for a wonderful ending that came at the best time ever.

movies, t.v., friends, quiz mania, books

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