Interests meme, from Hagar

Oct 09, 2007 16:23

Comment, and I'll give you 7 of your interestd (you've written in your profile). Write about these.

Hagar gave me
Astronomy - I love astronomy for years now, having been in a few classes about stars and super-novas and such. I read about new telescopes, black holes and new planets that have been discovered with the kind of anticipation of a person who whants to put the knowledge to action in a minute. I still hope I'll be able to go to space at some point in my life.

Cats - hello?! I have five cats at home and a few dozens more in out back yard, where my mom feeds them all. They can be a hassle, and a noisence, and cute, and sweet, and sit in my lap when my stomach hurts like hell and scratch me when I pat them where they don't like... They're cats.

Gilmore Girls - ah, 7 years of pure bliss. Seeing Lorelai, Rory and all of their looney neighbors go to a knit-athon was fucking worth the time. I'm not even mentioning the witty comebacks ("It's repetative" "and redundant" "It's repetative" "and redundant"), the funny grandparents and the assortment of eye candies in this series. It was just so good..

Harry Potter - I think I've written about this a hundred times already. One small decition at the beginning of the 12th grade and I was hooked. The final frontier? Sitting outside "Waterstones" in Piccadily Circus for 9 hours on the launch night of DH. One of the best days of my life.

Life on Mars - I'm in love with John Simm, because he's from 2006 and tries to be a cop in 1973, and his DCI is a homophob, drunk, violant "bastard" (in his own words), and Sam Tyler is sooooo cute, and nuts, and tries to be a 2006 cop and can't, and it's just so fucking brilliant, and English, and some of the sentences are really priceless ("We've brought you some coffee" "It smells like shit" "You smell like a broury", all in Manchaster accent). And of course - the last decision, "Life on Mars" (David Bowy) playing in the background... Beauty.

The Dead Zone - I loe Anthony Michal Hall as well, mind you... The supernatural series had a few brilliant moments, and I hope it will go on to it's 7th season, because nothing resolved at the end of the 6th...

Tori Amos - oh. Well, like Harry Potter, it started with my decision to buy "Little Earthquakes" for "Crucify". It took a while for me to get into her songs, her lyrics and strange melodies, but when it clicked into place it got stuck there forever. I have most of her albums, I saw her in London, I'll see her again, no doubt. I can't understand why people don't like her, I owe her my life, my heart, my ears. I can't imagine my life without her. Like one character said in "Love, actually" when her husband told her he can't believe she still listens to Joaney Mitchell - "I love her. And true love lasts a lifetime".


P.S. - I've no strength to check the spelling. Sorry, but live with it.

hp, t.v., tori amos, quiz mania, cats

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