Sick again.

May 09, 2007 13:42

My internet connection has been down again, and since I've been home sick these last few days I had a lot to catch up on when we got it back.

I should have known I was sick when I couldn't finish my favorite dish in Chimichanga, not did I order a dessert, but I still hoped I'd feel better in the morning.

I didn't.

I could hardly sleep on the night between Monday and Tuesday, constantly tossing and turning, with one huge dream that overcame my night-time (I was half hallucinating as well - I had a pretty high fever. Spent almost all of yesterday slouching on the sofa, drifting in and out of sleep, only got out when I went to the doctor or when I went to the bathroom. Pretty horrible day it was. I can't remember when was the last time I got sick so fast after the last time I got sick (it wasn't so long ago), but I guess that working in a closed space with so many people coming in makes it more probable to get sick. I hope I'll be able to go to work tomorrow, but I'm not counting on it - my throat still hurts very much, and whenever I stand up i need a minute to stop the dizziness and headache.

There is a plus side to all this -my mom went and bought me grapes, yogurt, peaches and raspberries, all the fruit cost a lot at this moment (it's just the beginning of the season). They're the only things I can eat without excruciating pain to my throat, but as my mom said, laughing - "The entire girl isn't worth that much", which made me laugh, then cough, respectively.

I can hardly breathe properly, and my sister is grilling an eggplant on the fire in the kitchen... Stinks like hell.

Oh, shit *coughcoughcough* Crap.

annoying, sickness

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