May 31, 2007 11:11
Wow I haven't been on here in a long time. Fucking school sucks a lot. But yeah, I'm out and I have been for about a week and I'm just getting on here. I suck as an updater. Not that anyone reads this. Nifty.
Everything feels better on sweaty nights and bare chests
two in the morning has never felt this good to me
I love you - - and the way you feel even more
If you hold me maybe I won't float away
Nothing looks as good as me clinging to your side
Us next to each other in the mirror,
or my face pressed up against yours in the night
No clothes equals less we have to get off our chests
I can't believe he is still with me
but I wouldn't have my life any other way
He's proud to be with me - - happy to be mine
Thats strange in the scheme of things
I'm not hidden in the shadows anymore
I'm put in the spotlight
on a throne
in a kingdom
somewhere in "pleasedon'tfuckmeover"
But that's where I am most of the time
He resides in "comeherebaby, i'llmakeitallbetter"
Maybe I'll update this more like I did last summer. Maybe not. We'll see. I'm busy a lot and shit. Plus, it looks like I might be jobbing it up sometime or something if they decide to like, make me an employee. So cool. See ya.