Feb 21, 2006 21:56
hey everybody! i just found out that one of my best friend's mom had her baby in november.
her name is melanie guadalupe lerma. how pretty is that? man.
people change so much through high school. i talked to charlotte the other day and found out
she's hittin the drugs kinda hard and everything. oh. today my mom bought a pure-bred cocker spaniel for $300!
her name is bella and she's so cute! we now have 6 dogs, 6 birds, and 4 cats.
that is a lot of mouths to feed. okay, before i go here's the thing.
i found out that the xanga page i have is still up so ima start using it and everything.
so if you wanna stop by and sign my guestbook or w/e feel free.
ima mess around w/it see if i cant get some chatbox or w/e on there.
well g2g.
love tamara.