Nov 21, 2006 21:31
so we had a little scare last night ....on thursday I saw the doctor and she told me I had high blood presure and to watch for Headaches, abdominal pain, and less movement in the baby...on saturday I woke up with a headache and I felt no movement on saturday at all...I was also feeling pretty crappy and I had some stomach pain...very early on sunday morning I felt the baby kick me once and that was the only movement I had felt since monday night...I went to work on monday feeling really crappy...more stomach pain and my headache was still there so I was trying to decide weather or not to call my doctor then after talking to my mom and my aunt I decided that I would stop at the clinic on my way home so I did...the doctor was quite concerned because my blood pressure was still high and all the other things he told me he wanted me to go to the hospital for a full scan and monotoring of the baby so he called ahead and told them I was comming and he told me he didnt want me to drive so I just went home and dad drove me and Mike to the hospital they checked me out and monotored me for a while and deemed everything fine and depending on my cirvex they may induce me on thursday so they wont have anymore complications...thats when I see my doctor next and IM getting another ultra sound then I am 37 weeks and 3 days pregant!! due in 18 days lol Im almost done!!